My teamwork

This is my Memoji. I just used stickers that represent me like the pride flag because I support pride and the AirPods because I use my AirPods all the time.





This is my team contract page. During making this I was really confused but it was kinda fun. I decided to use Canva, because I’m used to using that piece of technology. To explain my team contract page, first I wrote in the centre my promise to the team. I committed to add one idea to each project to help with my communication. In the corners I put little speech bubbles. I wrote my thoughts and reasons why I choose this as my goal. Overall, I’m happy with how my page turned out. 

For this whole project we were meant to answer the question “who we are as a team member”. I would say even though I have trouble with communication I still have good ideas and I can bring a lot to the team. I also feel like I’m good at multitasking which is also a useful team skill. If I follow along with my team contract I think I could actually could bring something beneficial to the PLP grade 8 team.