It’s only a week before winter break and we finished our constructive communication project. The section I’ve been working on for the past week is photography. We learned all about using angles, contrast and filters to add mood, perspective and movement to our photos. In one of our lessons we learned how to manufacture mood. […]
Learning how to draw✏️:D
We started a new project for maker learning how we can communicate in different ways. For the couple past weeks I’ve been learning how to draw in 5 different lessons. We learned how to use colours,lines and perspective to make are drawings realistic. The very first thing we learned was about Emily Carr she was […]
I just finished my first scimatics project
We finished our first official project in plp scimatics! For this project we had to design a game about tectonic plates using probability to answer the driving question “How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design?” For our game we design a board game where the goal is to get to the end […]
Im officially a PLP learner (:
We just finished our first project in maker. This means we’re all officially PLP learners! We had to answer the question “How do I build and strengthen the PLP learning team?” We made a keynote presentation answering this question and presented it to our parents in our first PLP exhibition. For our keynote […]
Medium is the message
Intro This was our very first humanities project for this year, it was based on advertising and understanding ad media. The driving question of this project was “How does what we hear, read, and see influence us?”. In this project we first learned about using target audiences, contrasting colours, logos, pathos, ethos and lots of […]