How might I use the moving image to tell a story?

Ever wanted to start a YouTube channel? Don’t, it sucks 

Over the past couple weeks in school, and in Alberta, we were assigned to create 4 different videos. They each had to relate and create some sort of an answer to the driving question. But since each video had such a different style, it was difficult to find a way to relate each video to each other and to the project. My favourite video to make was the TikTok style videos. I’m here to explain the meaning behind each video and give an explanation about its relation to our driving question. 

Although each video was very different and each served a purpose, we had to mostly focus on our Investigative video. We were tasked to go up to strangers and try and interview them throughout our field study. My favourite interview was with a British geography teacher, because I felt like he had the perfect connection to our project and my thesis. This project perfectly highlighted the entire basis behind the entire project, which was communication and questioning. The investigative video was where we connected all of our interviews, to show a story and of how it answers our thesis. My thesis is “everyone has ideas about the west based off what they’ve seen from movies, books or social media. We’re known for our environment and the people that live within the western coast, but there is always more than meets the eye”. My idea was to interview a mixture of people who live within the west coast and tourists to compare the different ideas of western Canada from people with varying ideas and perspectives. I think that the rest of this information can be explained in my video though. 

The other big individual that we had to accomplish was our All about me video. The purpose of this video was to show what inspires us by telling a surface-level story that still manages to share part of our story. I’m quite proud of the story I was able to create within such a short time. We were only given 2 days to create our entire film, so for me to be able to create a video of that magnitude, I would say that I am proud of myself. Looking back on my video now though, I would have added in more clips of myself, and maybe some music. 

Our first group video project was to create a silent film in a ghost town. I collaborated with Nate, Finn and Ailie. Our film follows the story of a serial killer on a mission throughout the town. I loved this project because I had a lot of fun working with my team members. We got along well and were able to compromise and add each other ideas into the plot. We worked  with some last minute storyline changes to make the video more enticing. We had so many bloopers and shots that were messed up, so we actually created a blooper reel!

Our final film project was to TikTok style videos. We were able to think of different videos to execute and were given time in all of our locations. I worked with Izzy to do the pink + white clap trend video. I also got bored and decided to make an edit that includes photos of my friends and all the picturesque locations we visited. I really enjoyed creating the TikTok’s because they were simple, short and a lot of fun. In the future I would probably film with the audio playing so that everything lines up better, but for now I like how m video turned out. 

To answer my driving question ( How might I use the moving image to tell a story? ) 

I would say that each video has a different story to share. My TikTok shares my experience of travelling through the Rockies with my friends, yet my silent film shares a horrific murdering spree. Although each video tells a different story, they each have something in common. A beginning, middle and end. A good video expresses itself through its visual to create a story that helps you question and feel things. 

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