Reaching my Peak Potential 🏔️🥾

Welcome back!

I have not written in my blog for a while because it has been summer, but I am back at it! To start off this blog post, I will talk about the many steps we took to working towards answering the driving question this project. Part of this project was interviewing people, and we interviewed people from the tops of mountains, to tea houses in the middle of the wilderness! Keep reading to find out how and why…

Driving Question

The driving question for this project was “How do we become the best versions of ourselves?” Throughout this whole project, we pieced together an answer for this question. Read on to find out!

Banner in the Sky

To prepare our class for our Alberta trip and the hikes, we read Banner in the Sky. After reading the book, we were assigned a character to make a character sketch from. Here is mine for Emil Saxo.

Reading this book was helpful to prepare mentally for the hikes and mountaineering we did! Personally, I didn’t really enjoy this book that much. It was a little hard to read at times because it felt a little repetitive, But I am glad I stuck with it.

Interviewing Skills

To practice our interviewing and video making skills, we started out by making an interview video with a classmate. I interviewed Tyler! I will put in this video to show the progress I made in editing and interviewing people from before the trip to Alberta to after the trip to Alberta. 

Alberta 🏔️

As you may know, one of the main parts of PLP is field studies. You can go and check out my Oregon post from last year. Our class hopped on a bus, and drove all the way to Alberta! I never realized how the climate and landscape could change so much over a short-ish distance. I was so lucky to see the beauty of British Columbia, and how breathtaking the sight were so amazing. I am a hiking pro now after some of the long and crazy hikes we summited! Here are some photos from the trip.

We had to ask ourselves many times, “How can I reach my peak potential today?” Whether it was getting super early for a hike (despite going to bed super late), to summiting a mountain, to trying a new food!

Viral Video

One of the tasks on our trip was to create a TikTok video with a travel theme. It could be a transition video, a photo dump a dance, or any other trends. The one criteria was that it had to show the scenery of Alberta. I chose to do a photo and video dump format, where I pieced together lots of videos of my trip.  Here it is!


Silent Film

This was the video I enjoyed creating the most. For a silent film, you have to really emphasize movement and emotions. We went to the Three Valley Gap Ghost Town to film this. If you have ever been to the ghost town, you know that it is a bit creepy… Especially near Halloween with the ghost trains and decorations 👻! It was a very cool setting to film our silent film. We were allowed to think of any plot for our video, as long as it had a beginning, middle, and end. Here is the story spine we created before the trip. I was in a group with Elsa, Julia, and Lian.

Here is the final video!

Something that our group could have revised on was adding music all the way through. That was the main feedback. And to our surprise, our teacher said that the rizz party scene could be taken out 😂. In the end though, we got a mountain climber meaning we were almost there but it was time to move on. 


10 Essentials Video

All the practice interviews led up to this moment! The task was to create a large blended video with interviews that we made with strangers we came across. We asked them questions about the “10 essentials of life”.  We asked questions like “Who is somebody who lifts you up in a hard time?”. The questions were meant to teach us life lessons in order to live a happy successful life. My group members were Elsa, and Maya. Here is my 10 essentials of life video.

How Can We Be The Best Versions of Ourselves?

To reflect on this ⬆️ driving question, I think that every little assignment we did for this project contributed to the answer. I don’t think you can ever be the “best” version of yourself, and I think that every day you should wake up and try your best.

Listening to other people’s stories and personal experiences helped give me perspective that everyone goes through hard times and struggles, but there is always a way out. Even just going to Alberta with my class was super challenging and exhausting at times, but I tried to reach my “Peak potential” every day.

This whole project taught me so much about Interviewing skills, editing, hiking, history, life lessons, and so much more!

Thank you for reading!