Running a Remake!🏃‍♀️


Our task was to recreate RUN short horror film. Here is the original:

My group was me, Evelyn, and Marcus. Recreating a video from scratch can be very hard as I learned… But here is the process and how it went! Our teacher told us one day to wear warm clothes because we were going outside. None of us had any idea what we were doing. When we got to class, the video up above was on the screen. We watched it over and over again until it was embedded into our memories! Every single shot and detail. That very same class, Evelyn, Marcus and I went out and filmed a remake of the video. Here it is!

After showing this to the class, we got some helpful critique and the news that (like usual) we would make another one but this time it was the final draft. On the filming day, we had to be prepared. In order to be prepared, we created story boards and screen plays.

Here is my screenplay ⬆️

Here is my story board ⬆️

Final Video

We wanted to match the original video and the final video almost exactly, so it had to be the same time, sounds, clips, shots, and costumes. I tried to replicate the man’s costume as best I could.

When the film day rolled around, one of my group members was sick so she couldn’t be our film person! That was a little bit difficult, but we perservered and got most of the shots as best we could. I was feeling a little discouraged, but we tried our best and made do with what we had. When we showed the class our video I realized how it was not very good at all because we were missing some clips and forgot to add the ending… Our group editor did her best to make revisions and it turned out a bit better! Here is the final video.


Reflection 🤔

I think that since the second take was very rushed and disorganized, the first draft was better. I did learn a lot about switching plans last minute though. In the future I will be more prepared for any circumstance that comes in the way of set plans. Now for the driving question!

How might we learn video skills by recreating a short film?

To answer this driving question I think that I learned so many more valuable videography techniques from this one short film. Although I did not film most of the clips, I learned how difficult it can be to make an exact copy of another film. It was also hard not to smile, and that is something that I can work on with acting skills. Overall, assignment was more difficult than I expected it to be, but I worked with my group members to accomplish what we got!

Thank you!