Spring Exhibition 2024 ☀️

WOW, this year has gone by so fast! Before I even knew it, I was headed to Oregon for the PLP yearly field study! And then before I knew it, I was prepping for my first Spring Exhibition! Time flies when you’re having fun….

How does language inspire adventure?

That was the driving question for this project. I am sure you can guess, this whole project was about advertisement, and how they affect people. There were so many steps to this project and thinking back, I can barely remember how it started! Oh wait, yes I can!

It all started with Quarry Rock!

A you know, this project was about advertisement. As a class, we hiked up to quarry rock. The task was to talk to strangers and ask them why they came to Quarry Rock. The majority of the people said that they came because of instagram, or the view. That shows how people make decisions all the time based off what everyone else is doing. When we got to the top, It was a beautiful sunny day. We were also told to take a picture to use for an ad. This is the picture that I took:

Of course, the next step was to create an advertisement! I also had to come up with a slogan for Quarry Rock. “Take on Quarry Rock for a rewarding view”

I thought that this ad was really good, but my teacher said that something was off. I didn’t think the small font was good either, so I changed it to a more simple font. I then realized that that font might look good on both texts, so I tried that.

My teacher said that this is the one! At first it looked bland to me, but I realized it might be more effective to other people looking at it.


Oregon 🌲🥾

I won’t talk too long about the trip because we did so much stuff! The good thing is that I made a book keeping track of every single day! I will put the book right here.

Every day we had different tasks in book creator. Each activity we did had a task to go with it. It was hard to keep up with everything, so I had to use all of my spare time.

Those are some photos from different places on the trip. I think this trip was better than I could hope for. Our class bonded so much, and I had so much fun.


Exhibition Time!

All of a sudden, the Spring Exhibition was looming over us! The spring exhibition project was to create an ad campaign to promote Oregon. There were categories, and each group was assigned one. Ours was Discovery and Learning. We had to create advertisements to get people to go there, but in the sense that they were going to learn and discover there. My group members were Cece, Julia, Ella, Griffin, and Marcus. As a group, we needed to decide on a consistent font, and layout for our individual ads. We decided on all of that, then I added our colour palette and font choices to Basecamp. I was in charge of adding everything to Basecamp. There were also a few other preparation things we had to do. Making merch with our slogan: “Oregon, discover your potential.” Here is the hoodie that I designed.  

Here is my individual ad:

With only less than a week until the exhibition, we needed to start mapping out hat we were going to display. We chose Fort Stevens, Tillamook Creamery, and the Yaquina Head tide pools. We thought that those demonstrated learning and discovery well. (And we had good ideas)


We decided to go into groups of two and each make a station. Me and Julia made a tide pool, complete with rocks, sea anemones, sea urchins (Big hit), and starfish. Ella and Cece made a cheese factory with a cow milking section and the steps to making cheese! Marcus and Griffin made a model cannon and explained to the people about Fort Stevens.



After making ads, scripts, tide pools, setting up and cleaning up, it was over! I think it was a big success. I felt like I really did my part and put in my hardest work, and I think that my whole group did too! I thought that I had the most fun in this project too.


How does language inspire adventure?

When I see an ad for a place, I look at the photo, but in order to know where the ad is for I need context. I am not going to look around for a place that looks cool without knowing where it is, or what it entails. If there is a catchy slogan or catchphrase, I am more likely to go there than if it was “Go to Vancouver”, for example. I need to know what to do in Vancouver! Maybe, “Hikes, Beaches, Stores, Beatiful views, come experience gorgeous Vancouver!” Now that sounds way ore appealing to me. I need to hear what I can do there, how I can have fun and explore. Language is a big part in inspiring people.


This is my final post of my first year in PLP!