Month: December 2023

Amazing Art Workshop!

Have you ever drawn art all week? We did, wanna find out how it went?

This week in maker class we did a drawing workshop here is what we created.


One of the drawing assignments was to create a robot on sketches pro with 2d shapes. For my robot I decided to use lots of varieties of colours and to add nice shading. When I was creating my robot, I really like the triangles and stacking sheep on top of each other to make a robot. My favourite part of my robot is probably the little stars on its head and how it looks super cute. I also really liked how I would fade the different colours of blue on the top of it’s head and how the colours matched really nicely together. My robots name is Starie, I really liked that name just because it showed the colours and the idea of stars and really night time colours.

Here is a photo of Starie the robot:


For the next drawing assignment we had to pick a word, I choose to my name. We had to use different fonts and colours and shading and you could pick any style or texture you wanted to use to create it. I really like how mine turned out and I’m really happy with the colours and really just how it looks. I think my favourite part of my name artwork was the first colour which was like the salmon pink on the front and just how the font turned out really nicely. I also really liked the collaboration of colours and how I put it together. One thing that I definitely learned while creating this artwork was that I just used my creativity and chose a few colours that I really liked and they turned out really nicely together and I also learned that it’s really fun to create words or names with your own design. Here is a photo of my name:


This next drawing assignment was definitely one of my top favourites that we did. What we had to do we got a template, and we had to create a brand, and we had to explain what it was what it did, and then the second step of that was to create a logo, which was really fun. My logo was called Chippetes. My brand idea was supposed to be about cookies, but not just any normal chocolate chip cookies would be but miniature cookies! Think of regular chocolate chip cookies as small but not too small, just a decent size. You know those brownies, One Bite Brownies? Think of that, but just as a cookie. The type of Chippetes cookie could be any type, but just miniature. It was really fun creating a brand and imagining what it could be. My favourite part was writing the template, creating ideas and imagining that the brand was real and how it would look. I definitely learned that! I really enjoy doing logos and I’m happy that I found that about myself. It was really cool to custom design my own logo. I really enjoyed using my creativity to manage all my colours together the same thing with my name artwork.  I choose colours that I enjoy creating with it

Here is a photo of my logo:


 Overall this was my favourite drawing assignment. We had to create our own emojis from scratch, or we could take one and put them together to make a new one. I chose to use the sparkle and the happy face emoji. I really like my emoji and how it turned out. My favourite part of my emoji is the pink cheeks that I worked really hard on blending it into the emoji. The hardest part of creating this emoji was to find a different yellow for the sparkles that wasn’t the same yellow as the emoji, but I think I found two really nice yellows that match together. 

Here is a photo of my emoji:


In conclusion I learned many things while doing this workshop. I am happy that I got to express my creativity through art this week. Thanks for reading.

By December 11, 2023.  No Comments on Amazing Art Workshop!  Maker