Science blog post

In sector 1 the projects we did were bioaccumulation gif a scratch game about food chains and more. I enjoyed doing these mini projects alot, my favorite was the scratch game wich I will leave a link for at the bottom. I didn’t hate anything but my least favourite was the Instagram post because even Read More…

Scimatics blog post

Scimatics comic cells, this project the goal in the end was to make a comic about a virus. The driving question for this project is “how to cells and diseases interact” my answer to the question is Viruses make us sick by killing cells or disrupting cells function. The our bodies react with fevers coughing Read More…

PLP exhibition

The spring exhibition was fun I was part of a group called tech for learning. In my group I had 16 people. With both Grade 8s and grade 9s, we worked well together to create a very nice looking room we had app decorations we also had cookies that were decorated to looked like notability, Read More…

New France blog post

The driving question for the New France project was “what did the establishment of New France mean for all the people involved” The answer for this question is all the people involved got good things such as new relationships, trade routs and a place to live but they also got a lot of bad things Read More…

Scimatics design challenge

This scimatics project we had to design a object using shapes the driving question for this project is “how can we design a object to optimize its shape”. We then had to find out the surface area and volume which is difficult for some shapes because the formulas are very difficult. Here are the formulas Read More…

DI blog post

The biggest project of the year so far was DI destination Imagination. I did really like DI because it took a long time it was boring in some parts and it was hard to accomplish, but in the end it was fun to do weird and in some cases funny challenges with friends. What Is Read More…

Scimatics blog post

When I found out that we were coding for the new scimatics project I got exited even though I dont code but I still liked the idea of coding. When we were interdicted to the project we dident start coding right away we first started with learning about the kinetic molecular theory which is a Read More…

A Renaissance blog post

The Renaissance blog post, this semester one of the things I learned about was the Renaissance and to go along with that learning a tryptic and a paragraph. Making the tryptic was pretty fun because you had to mix the old with the new for example a old inventor on one side and a modern Read More…


Hi there, So basically DI is a massive learning competition were your in your group and have to solve instant challenges And build things but i’m not certain on the building part because I’m in the festival frenzy part of the challenge. Where we have to do improv skits and also instant challenge.  Instant challenges  Read More…