Hello and welcome to my TPOL
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner
Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level
I feel I am ready to advance to the next grade level because I have matured in school and I now realize how much work school can actually be and that realization is what makes me think I can advance to the next grade level.
I have grown significantly throughout the year. When we started the year off I was scared because everything was new to me and It was a new experience. But about a month in the PLP program really made me feel welcome, I think what made me so comfortable was the welcoming vibe. It was a nice way to start off high school. After a month or two we had assignment after assignment which was stressful for me. Soon we started our very first project in humanities, The Medium Is The Message, this project was about an advertisement for a real world company! I was very surprised when I heard that we were working with companies from the real world. The first thing we did is look at some advertisements for the apple HomePod. This is the link to what we watched
When the video was finish we wrote a paragraph on the purpose of the ad and what they were trying to sell with it. this was my paragraph in exact words.
“I think they were trying to get people who had money to try to buy the HomePod. They want to show how creative the design was. And how they can turn a small space into a big one with creative music from the HomePod. They want to make alone people not feel alone with a HomePod. They also are trying to tell a story about how the HomePod can make dreams bigger. It also showed how you can easily save your own playlists on songs into it so you just say a simple command and you are listening to whatever you want”
As you can tell from me say HomePod 4 times, I was not the greatest at evaluating someone else’s work and writing. It was then that revisions were introduced, that was a completely new idea for me. It is a awesome concept and I love the idea that you can redo your work as many times as you want! Revisions weren’t the only thing that was introduced at the beginning of the year. That’s also when Milestones were brought into the picture. Milestones are like checkpoints in a project, they are the more important assignments. My first milestone was called historical media analysis, in this milestone we had to find an ad we liked and explained the target audience, and the message of the media. I did mine on a old spice ad, this is what it looks like.
Since the link is not a real link here is the video:
The milestone was the final new concept for me.
Next we will look at my learning plan:
In the first part of the learning plan it says
“This year I want my learning plan to look like; and then it had a bunch of Columns of what I thought I could achieve. I think at the end of the year I achieved all of the Columns. Next I talked about my strengths and weaknesses for all of my PLP classes. I think I have grown much more than I thought I would.
Next I will talk about my favourite projects, my least favourite projects, and the hardest project.
I think the hardest project was new beginnings which was our most recent project. I think new beginnings was hard because it was very informational and heavy. I also wasn’t there for the first quarter of the project due to being sick so that could have made it a lot harder for me also. Next is my least favourite, my least favourite was DI “DESTINATION IMAGINATION” DI was very hard because most of my group didn’t do anything and we didn’t even get a full dress rehearsal in until the day before the show. Some parts were fun such as the painting and building of props, but the rest was difficult with only a few people. Next is my favourite project which is The outsiders, the outsiders is my favourite because we got to read a book instead of doing class work and we started off every class with a game. The final product was a tableau and I regret not being there for the exhibition. We also got to watch the outsiders movie at the very end of the project.
At the start of the year I was aiming for accomplished and I reached my goal! Which means I have grown as a learner and put in work to reach a goal I set for myself a while ago.
That is all. Thank you for attending my TPOL!