The summer exhibition

Hello and welcome to the summer exhibition 2022!

This exhibition was the most fun because I got to eat a lot of cookies.

To start the exhibition we took a while to figure out where everyone was going to go in the room. And once we figured it out we were pretty much set to start decorating. At the door we had a food station, at the food station we had cookies that were the shape

 Of apps that we use. There was basecamp, keynote, and pages. We also had called pagerade and keynotade. Which were supposed to be keynote and pages. Next we moved on to the green screen area which was an with a green screen. People could hold props and pretend they were at at beach. Then we showed a documentary at the next station and then finally music which was the station I was at. This is the layout chart. 













Then the exhibition started and people walked around the room and I showed off my scimatics game, you can check out the blog post about that on my blog. And that is all that happened. 

Thank you for viewing my blog. Bye!

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