Last T-Pol

Hello and welcome to my last T-pol of PLP. I would first like to thank my teachers for having me in this program and how helpful they have been throughout the first couple years of High School. To kick off this T-pol lets go over my learning plan from the very start of the year.









As you can see I put profile 2 on all of my columns except for one. I put profile 2 because I wasn’t the best at any of these. Coming back to present day I have at-least gotten up to a 3 on all of them with some of them maybe even being a 4. My growth thought the year has been significant and I look to grow even more so in the future. One of my favourite projects of this year was rise of the Frankenstuffies. That’s where I made this little guy























Now I certainly am not the best at sowing but I think my stuffy turned out pretty good. In fact I still have him and he hasn’t fallen apart yet. This was my favourite project for these three reasons: we got to read a book instead of doing work, we got to make stuffy’s with whatever we want to make them with, and we got to make a stop motion trailer with those stuffy’s. Those are all the reasons why that project is my number one project of the year. The book we read was about a war between fabricators and Clankers. Fabricators (darwinists) made beasts out of other beasts by fabricating them together. Clankers are people who made machines. The book switched from the two main characters, one of them a Clanker the other being a Darwinist.
My least favourite project this year was a case for a nation. A case for a nation was a project about Canada and the colonies that came before it. Colonies such as Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. To start off the project we created a simulation of the colonies. I was in Canada west, now Canada West had many advantages. I had a really hard time understanding the project and the simulation, but that seemed like it was just me who was confused because everyone in my group knew exactly what was going on. They were really helpful explaining things to me and I did my best to try and understand but it was just too complicated for me. Close to the end of the project I finally got the gist of it and I started to follow along but it was a really hard experience. The last thing we did was create a board game. I made mine with Silas.













As I got through the year I got better at understanding the projects and how they worked. By the end I was great at it. Our very last project Dulce et Decorum Est was a project about WW1. Now this was the project we presented in the exhibition. Our first day of this project we watched a documentary on WW1, we learned about gas warfare, air warfare, trench warfare, war crimes, hero’s, and much more. Once we had our fill of information we went to a museum to learn about exhibits and how museums we set up. At the museum we took notes on the layout, info on the exhibits and etc. We were asked to answer the question how do museums tell stories. This is my answer and notes from the museum.

We did this assignment because we were creating a museum about war with different exhibits, so we had to learn how they worked. Once we understood how they worked we went on to choose a topic we wanted to learn about. I chose the creation vs destruction of war. Once we got into our groups we all got roles. You were either making an exhibit on the creation half, or you were on the destruction half. I was assigned the creation half. My exhibit was an interactive one so I had to brainstorm some ideas that could work well. I had an idea where I could use the cup on a string phone as the interactive part and then I could also explain the creation of new ways to communicate.







My exhibit explained how war created new innovations. Troops in the war were always looking for easier ways to communicate with each other because some times it was almost impossible to talk over a walkie talkie with all the noise plus, walkie talkies don’t have unlimited range. There were no smartphones in WW1, only walkie talkies. I created the cup on a string phone to show how hard it is to communicate compared to a modern day iPhone, and the different levels of created communication humans have made along the way.























Lastly let’s take a look at my statement of learning intent







I said I wanted to be more on top of my homework and not lie to my parents about not having any homework. I succeeded in this goal and that makes me proud. Another goal I had that isn’t in the statement of learning intent but instead a personal goal was to get at least 5 rainbows, I also completed that goal too which made me super happy because that meant I was growing as a learner.

I thank you all for listening to this presentation and for having me in PLP!

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