Howdy y’all and welcome back to another post! Today my topic is about my Deep Cove Ad Reflection. First let me give you a little insight on what this project was, what we had to do, and where we had to go! Before we start, here is a little backstory.

I attend Seycove Secondary School down in Deep Cove and I am in a special program called the Performance Learning Program. In one of our classes we are learning about advertising and looking at the behind the scenes view of making ads. In our area, Deep Cove, we had to ask a business if they would have the time to answer a couple questions and make an ad for them. Our group, LiamAlexandria, and, Ryan , decided to interview Gelato Express mainly because the owners are one of our group members neighbours. Ryan went down to ask them if they were willing to let us interview them and they declined. When Ryan broke the news to us that they had declined our request, we started to brainstorm different businesses to ask when the owners contacted Ryan and told him there had been a misunderstanding and would love to do the interview. We were all stoked about this news and went down the next day ask our questions and it ended really well!

We came back to school and thought about ways to make our ad interesting at the same time funny. We went through so many stages of denial and critique and now looking at the end product, I think I improved a lot since the start. I started off with this design:

I kept making variations of this template, changing the opacity of gelato, the color of the text, the font, the text size, and much more. I got lots of critique saying there were too many colours and I needed a focus on my ad. I kept going and ended up with my second draft:


I only used 2 colours in this draft but still was asked to change the font and make it a bit more interesting. After more editing I came to my third draft:

And after analyzing a bit more I came to my last and final draft which looked a little bit like this:


I think looking back to the start, I made so much progress and learned so many different teqniques within my iPad and learnt so much about different apps while app smashing.

I’m also glad I was put with the people in my group because they were so positive and happy all the time. It felt really good to be around people that you know will be supportive towards you and are always willing to help you improve. We had so much fun being in a group together and we have so many things we can look back on now and know what to do and what not to do!

Go check out my teams blogs, Ryan ChowneLiam Owen, and Alexandria Veitch!

If you liked something about this post, go comment and lets talk!

See you next time!
