Hello everyone and welcome back to another post! I think I have mentioned this before in previous posts but here is a post designed towards it… OUR OREGON FIELD SCHOOL!!!! I know it sounds kind of weird how excited I am but it was so much fun and I am so happy that I get to tell you guys about it!

The students of PLP Seycove took a roadtrip to Newport, Oregon just a couple weeks back! We had to create a book on our trip and I am happy to present it here. Without further ado I present….

Our PLP Trip to Newport, Oregon!:

My favourite part about this trip was zip-lining. As you can see on page 7 of my book, we had an amazing time and couldn’t stop laughing! On one of our last lines we did a course that went over a huge pond and we had the choice to have a full dunk in the water, a butt dunk, a hand drag or just a regular zip line over the water. That was probably the best day of this whole trip.

Thank you so much for reading my book and my blog post. If you liked something about this post, comment below and tell me what you think!

Alright guys thats it for today! See you in th next one!
