Hey there bloggers, welcome back to my blog and another post! This week for ourĀ Student Blogging ChallengesĀ we could come up with our own topic! I chose to write about what we cooked in foods this week!

Our last week in term 1 is coming up and that means we switch our electives, which also means that next is my last week in foods. We have made so many cool things in foods, if you want to know what we made check out the slideshow at the top! Today we are just focusing on one food item… fried rice! We made the most delicious fried rice EVER and the best part? We got to eat it afterwards!! It was so much fun, especially cooking it with my amazing group. You can go check outĀ HollyĀ ,Ā Angelo, andĀ Megā€™sĀ blogs and tell them what you think!

I have 5 members in my group, including me. Thereā€™s Holly, Angelo, Meg, and Fernando. Inside our groups we were separated into sharing the kitchen unit. Holly and I worked in one half, while Meg, Fernando, and Angelo worked in the other half. We would bump into each other a Ā lot while trying the get bowls and ingredients, but now we are so used to sharing such a small unit, weā€™ve learnt how to just find our way around each other. Itā€™s like having a little family in foods, which is really Ā cool to have. While we ate our fried rice, we took a couple ā€œfamily photosā€ which I will insert into this post.

Making fried rice with vegetables is surprisingly easy, which we figured out when we cooked it. Chopping the onions, green pepper, carrots, and celery was easy. So was cracking the egg. We were the first team to be ready to start cooking on the stove! We had our rice cooking in a separate pan while we mixed our vegetables and egg together. The rice timer went off and we added our rice to the mixture, and finally things began to look really good. We couldnā€™t wait to eat our amazing fried rice, but we still had some jobs left to do. Holly, Fernando, Angelo, and I started the clean up process, while Meg set the table so we could eat.

We all have certain jobs in our unit, thereā€™s Housekeeper, Dish Washer, Dish Dryer, and Special Duties. Each has thier own part in cleaning up the unit to make it look spick and span. We finally finished washing and drying all the dishes and sat down to eat our delicious fried rice with vegetables. We had the choice to eat with Chinese chopsticks or a fork. Chinese chopsticks are made with a longer form and are metal. It was a struggle at first, but we caught on and it became a breeze for us.

Overall, I am going to miss my ā€œfamilyā€ because they were so fun to cook and hang out with. I am going to be very sad when we separate from our group, because Iā€™ve really bonded with them and had tons of fun with them.

Thank you for reading bloggers, and be sure to go check outĀ Holly,Ā Angelo, andĀ Megā€™sĀ blogs. Go comment below and tell me what you think about this post!

Thanks again guys and see you in the next one!
