Hey guys! Its been a while since I’ve written a blog post! We have already gone through a whole other unit! This unit was focused on answering the driving question: how has the transition from elementary school to secondary school challenged my worldview?
We started with learning about the crusades and the affect they have on our world today. We read a book based in those times called “The Book of the Lion”. To be completely honest, this book wasn’t for me and I wouldn’t read it again. But nevertheless it was educational about the subject we were studying, which made it helpful.
We had to write a paragraph that basically summarized all of our learning about the crusades. This paragraph and book were a milestone in this unit, and it started off this whole thing in the first place.
This paragraph summarized a bunch of learning we did in the crusades unit. It was a bit hard to included all the learning into this paragraph, so I chose the most important parts and incorporated them into this paragraph. Our main goal for this project was to rewrite and create a parody to the song “Its The End of the World As We Know It” by R.E.M. This song had to include all 7 of worldview in this song; geography, society, beliefs, time, value, economy, and knowledge.
Of course, we had many more assignments before we actually started to rewrite the song to fit our worldview. An interesting assignment we were assigned was when we made a Venn Diagram about our shift in worldview. We compared to what we thought In elementary school, to what we think right now abotu those same statements. We added 2 category’s, if anyone in our group had written down the same thing we had and what exerts thought about these statements.
Our last milestone before conducting our song was making a Mind Map of what shifted in our worldview, through the 7 aspects of worldview. A lot of things have changed since elementary school and this unit has helped me realize my surroundings and what has really changed. Making mind maps aren’t the best way for me to brainstorm but I can cope with it. One thing I noticed was that sometimes I was looking to closely at the detail and I really needed focus on the bigger picture, and sometimes I needed to focus on detail.
When we actually got to the singing, everyone started freaking out because no one wanted to showcase thier singing talents. Thankfully, my group wasn’t as judgemental as I thought they would be and we all saw each other on the same level of respect. We were then told to create a group song and mash all our lyrics together and make one big group song. We used the track we created and put that over an iMovie of our gr 7/ gr 8 pictures.
Thats it for today! See you guys next time!
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