Category Getting to know me!

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering, a fascinating new technology, that could quite literally change the world. As much as using genetic engineering can help humanity in many different ways, it can be detrimental to how we evolve. You might ask, how could it… Continue Reading →

Appreciation Post

My fellow weekly post readers! Welcome to another one! You may be thinking, is this post going to update us on the podcasts? Another episode coming? Well, not yet, and for the next couple posts, you aren’t going to hear… Continue Reading →

Firsts and Lasts

These past months have been full of firsts and lasts. Of course a first was living though a world-wide pandemic, and during this time, our last projects were upcoming, and that means I was approaching the last few months of… Continue Reading →

Week 10: Reflect😝

Hey there! Welcome to my last post for Student Blogging Challenges, sadly yes you heard me, my last post for SBC. During 10 weeks I learnt things that I didn’t think I would learn and have surprised myself with taking in… Continue Reading →

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