Hello folks of the blogging world! Sorry for a post later than usual, but honestly this past week, I had nothing I felt motivated to write about, thats why this post is being posted a little later. I mean don’t… Continue Reading →
The word “Jazz” derives from the slang word “Jasm”, which originally meant energy, vitality, spirit and pep. The genre however, involves the playing of instruments like the drums. It takes a level of advanced talent, being able to improvise on… Continue Reading →
Hey hey hey, it’s been a minute since we were last together! We had a full 10 weeks of being away, but here we are back again. I want to give you sort of an update, which will help get… Continue Reading →
Romeo and Juliet? Uh you mean, like, the love story? Where they…kiss? Ew. Nope, nope, nope. Logging off right now. My first thoughts about being introduced to the play of Romeo and Juliet, are those words above. The only part… Continue Reading →
Welcome welcome welcome! Another week gone in the new year of 2021. This also means progressing in our learning of Romeo and Juliet, which is a play written by William Shakespeare. If you read my last post you know that… Continue Reading →
Good day to you all. Now you may be wondering why I’m writing in a British accent. Well, I wasn’t until I just pointed it out, but very well we may continue. What you are probably wondering is why I… Continue Reading →
Malaika, how many blog posts are you going to write? Honestly, I don’t know, they could be endless. But having to write summative blog posts also comes with the joy of sharing my learning throughout the project, with all of… Continue Reading →
Da blog, da place to be. Welcome everyone, back to another 5000 word post. Juuuuust kidding! Unless… Nah I’m just kidding, I don’t think I would have the energy to write a 5000 word blog post, but I did have… Continue Reading →
Shhh…you hear that? Thats the sound of our first PLP project of Grade 10 baby, welcome back. If you haven’t been with us since Grade 8, let me catch you up. In Grade 8, we studied the STILL image, doing… Continue Reading →
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