The Story of Wally and Ben



Ben Kenobi was a dog we adopted from Princeton in August 2022. The first time I saw him he was scared of me. After a day, he warmed up to me. We’ve had a lot of walks, a lot of adventures and a lot of him eating everything I own. But, he really likes to eat my mom’s stuff. Here are a few fun facts for Ben: Number 1: He will find the biggest sticks he can so you can throw them.  One time he brought back a tree. Number 2: he caught a dead salmon at the when he was swimming at the beach and tried to eat it. He is the cutest being in the universe and no one can make me change my mind. Follow him on Instagram @benkenobijedilab

The story of Wally. He is the second buddy I own. Wally was a stray in Squamish that one of my dad’s coworkers found. He is a bylaw officer. He was adopted by 2 people for a year. The reason he is with me is because they were moving into a place where they couldn’t have any dogs. My dad happily accepted to take care of the dog. Here is a few fun facts about Wally: He will try to bite your face off, he won’t eat everything he sees, if you pet his head and rub his belly at the same time he will roll on his back and go crazy. Another fun fact: he will only eat his food if it has water in it, he hates squirrels with a burning passion and I worry about him ripping my arm off. He is also the cutest thing in the universe.



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