Becoming a PLP Student with a Learning Disbility

manfredsteger / Pixabay

PLP is good place for someone with a Learning Disability like me. It is way easier to complete assignments because I can use technology to finish them. I use text to speech. I also went into the accessibility settings and not my IPad reads to me. I am pretty smart but being in a normal school doesn’t show how smart I am. I am actually able to create something instead taking notes about stuff. I like to work in the groups because the work is not is as heavy. It still feels heavy but I know it actually isn’t because the other people in the group share the load. I struggle with losing papers a lot because of my ADHD in normal school. There is a lot less paper and I can always find things in Showbie and Basecamp. In the mornings there is Tutorial.  It is not only for PLP, it is also for Math.  If I run out of time the previous day I know I have time in the morning with the teacher. My old school there was no time to be with the teacher on my own. It is making a minor difference but that minor difference is helpful. It makes me feel a bit better. Normally I would be really worried all the time. LAC replaces classes like French. I don’t do French at all because of IEP. I really had a hard time in French. LAC helps me catch up on work if I miss Tutorial time. When it is the middle of the day it is a great time to cool down. I get annoyed when it is third period because I always think it is lunch time. EA’s help me sometimes in class. He helps everyone regardless of learning abilities. I don’t stand out that way. I don’t like standing out.


Tips for PLP Students with Learning Disabilities or ADHD

To be successful in PLP with a Learning Disability you should:

1. Make sure you don’t put off everything until the last minute

2. Don’t forget to take your pill

3. I separate my work into chunks

4. When I am at home I listen to music or videos to help me focus

5. Going into Setting to make sure the IPad can speak to you

6. Use Text-to-Speech – be loud and speak slow

7. Talk to your teachers about your Learning Disability/ADHD. If they don’t know they might not adapt things to help you

8. Go to teachers and ask for help during class, after class or Tutorial

9. In LAC ask for help, don’t just hang around with your friends


Keynote Presentation

How I got to make the video was I took it from Keynote and exported it to Photos and import it to YouTube and then I posted it.



Maker Projects

I used the fill tool to create something that I have dubbed the Shrek Shoe. I also made a pumpkin.


Figit – I made it in Keynote.  It was weird and took me a couple of days to figure out. You click on a shape and then you add another shape. Make sure is it rotated so it is not exactly the same. Then you animate it so it spins.