Quilting the sun…. Nana nana.

Hello everybody! Marcus is here with more quilt madness like other PLP students!

Anyway! As this is my quilt creation process blog a.k.a Epic Blog Post part two, I will show the creation process of my quilt.

Whooooo. Here we go.

This is a picture of the of my quilt that I have created on paper. Not quilting yet, just paper. Not actual paper, the app paper.


The first thing in the video (on YouTube) is a timelapse of the trial run quilt that I created, and after it is the timelapse of me doing the sun, using a golden thread.
  After that was the clouds. The clouds were outlined using a silver thread, which refrences the metaphor “every cloud has a silver lining”. After that, it’s doing the tree, which I did by first outlining the tree and then going from the top to the bottom on the outside, and back to the top on the inside in shiny green thread. (the inside being the back, and the outside being the picture itself.) then, it’s a timelapse of me doing the outside of the quilt itself, but with a sewing machine, in black thread. Then I did the outline of the city,  in blue thread. Finally, I used some scraps of green cloth to add some depth to the grass on the bottom of my quilt, with green thread and a sewing machine. That’s all! I hope it’s good enough… 

You can check the video here.


3 things quilts rock at

Number 1: Being artistically cool :). They almost always have cool designs, stitching and vibrant colours, except when ther’ye mine. So that’s a + right there.
Number 2: Easy, in ways. It’s easy to understand how to do it, and once you know what your doing, it takes a shorter amount of time.

Number 3: Annoying. As. A. Bug. I hereby declare that the thread is my mortal enemy, and that someday, I shall defeat it. It is so annoying to get it through the pin, and more annoying to bring it through the quilt. Someday, I SHALL STRIKE IT DOWN. I will suffer in defeat! Ha! Oh, here’s a video of me gaining a small amount of triumph, and of me making (as I said before) a not artistic quilt.

Star Wars Mania

We have, for the past three weeks we have been working on a “Blue Sky Project” for Star Wars. Basically, we have to ask a question about the Star Wars Universe. My question, was how could Cloud City actually float. The process of answering this question was 6 days of constant work. And I mean constant. My day went like this. Wake up -> school -> home -> work ’til twelve. Possibly longer. Eventually, we had two (well, three, but there wasn’t enough time to get it all done.) questions tested and finished. We had a presentation, videos and a good lot of mathematics and measurements. So, FINALLY today is the day I present, and the LAST DAY, I, and my dad, (who kindly offered to help.) Don’t have to stay up till twelve at night. Hooray.

On another note, now our hero quilt project is starting, I probably have even MORE work to do. orz. But no twelves. No more staying up. 

On another another note, Star Wars in two weeks! Hoorah! Marcus, out.