The train of thought on the minds track goes “EE”

Hello, Marcus here, today we are going to be looking at my worldview.

This is a Project that I am long overdue on, and I’ve finally got it finished recently. So, what we had to do for this project was, First, Write a script that expressed our understanding of worldview, perspective and point of view. Second, we had to animate our script with Explain Everything, an app that allows you to copy and paste pictures and draw and write slides. It also lets you record them, so that’s how we do the third part – Narration. We read our scripts while recording to tell the listeners what our worldview was, that’s all. 

Thanks for reading, the recording and script will be below. 

Thanks, Marcus.



Hello there, I’m Marcus. And this is my worldview

Now, Worldviews are not static. They constantly changing. For instance, someone could see the world as a boring and dull place, but then do something fun and exciting. That might change their worldview. In another way, people almost never have exactly the same worldview. This is because of perspective. For instance, from someone’s perspective they might like sushi for the fish, and from another’s perspective, they might like it for the rice.

Now, onto my worldview. Let’s start off with the world as a whole.
From my perspective the world is a very large place, with many unknown mysterys. And I don’t believe there is or is not a god. Maybe someone is up there. May there’s no one. I think the world is fun, but at the same time dangerous.

I enjoy the community around me, mostly everybody is nice. School can be a bit repetitive sometimes, but that doesn’t mean it’s boring. I enjoy eating most things, and I like to play all sorts of games, so no problems there. Overall, the world is a good place

Thank you very much, and that was my worldview.

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