Temple Trips and Sore Butts

Hi, this is Marcus. And the blog is about the field studies that we’ve gone through In the past little while.

The first of of the Visits was to a Hindu temple.

When we walked in, the y told us that we had to take off our shoes to go in. Then we proceeded to go to the prayer room, where the woman that was guiding us told us about the gods of the Hindu religion. There were a lot of them, so I can’t remember all of them, but they were cool. They gave us some of the food that they use in offerings, and that was it. But it was fun.

The next temple we went to was a Buddhist temple, where, same as the last one, we had to take our shoes off. It was very big and decorated, with a big Buddha sitting in the back. The priest that was guiding us told us about Buddhism and Buddha, which was cool, then we got to take pictures, and then we left.

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