Savage or Nah?

First of all I want to start by giving a shoutout to my 3 viewers per post! You guys keep me motivated and are the reason why I keep this blog going! Thanks mum, Mrs Willemse, and Mr. Hughes,

Anyways this blog will be about the concept of savagery and civilization, and the controversy about a “savage” act. I will specifically talk about the use of of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. I will also use Macbeth, and Lord of The Flies.

We have recently been analyzing the book Lord of The Flies. I personally really enjoyed it because of its lucidity. I am not a person who can read something and see the abstract meaning behind the whole book. This book was perfect for me since it was so obvious, and all the symbolism was literally made so a grade seven could understand it. I will use this book and other texts to help prove my point.

In the book of lord of the flies, Ralph, who represents the civilized part of society, sees Jack’s ruling as inadequate because of its extreme actions, yet Jack sees Ralph’s ruling as inadequate himself. Both sides are different types of governing, and they both dislike each others. If we see Ralph as a 20 year old and ask him to describe Jack’s government he would describe it as savage. By this age Ralph would have grown up and know the appropriate word to describe what he saw. Yet if you ask Jack he would disagree. He would stand by his actions and say they were necessary and needed for survival. You can compare this to real life situations such as the use of the atomic bomb.


My question:
Why do people decide what is savage or not?

In my opinion to decide if something is savage you need to look at both sides of the argument and try ur best to not be biased. I wrote one of my concept paragraphs on this. I talked about the atomic bomb and how people from different sides see it differently, and I also gave my opinion.

How was the use of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima an act of savagery on its inhabitants ?

                  You’ve probably heard teenagers say the word “savage” recently, as the word has become popular and obtained a new meaning. It has become known for its meaning of “Brutal but awesome”[1], yet it is completely different from its original meaning. This word used to mean “an uncivilized or barbaric state or condition; barbarity”,[2], yet teens these days might not know what a true act of savagery is. Although, what is a true act of savagery? Just after the drop of the bomb, Truman, who was responsible, described it as necessary. He focused on how it saved American lives, and how revenge was one of the main reasons why it was used. Yet the corporation Greenpeace describe it as unnecessary, violent, and inhumane, in other words, savage. I agree with Greenpeace, this event which occurred more than 50 years ago, is the peak of human savagery. The dropping of the Hiroshima bomb meant killing over 100,000 people. This not only meant death but a death that involved being burned to death or being killed by falling debris. People suffered from direct thermal flash burns, which could not be treated, since over 90% of the doctors and 93% of the nurses in Hiroshima were killed or injured. People suffered from injuries, deaths, and a loss of loved ones, without knowing what they had done. The population of Hiroshima had done nothing to deserve this barbaric killing, yet the American population saw this act as heroic. The use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, was a form of savagery on the victims. To the people defending the use of the atomic bomb, let me ask you a question, How is killing that amount of people in such a cruel, and brutal way civilized at all?

In this concept paragraph, I show how the people at fault of the use of the atomic bomb, or people who were benefited from it do not see this as a form of savagery. But an unbiased organization like Greenpeace, or the Japanese people being affected do see it as uncivilized barbaric behaviour.

In the play we studied earlier in the year (Macbeth) you can see this. The main character, Macbeth, does what’s supposedly “necessary” to become king. As he is blinded by his need for power he neglects that fact that killing men is a form of savagery. Yet the people being affected by this see it this way, they see it as wrong. This is yet another example of how someone decides why something is savage. It all depends on what side you are in. If you are doing the actions, or if you are the one affected or an observer play a role in deciding your point view regarding if an action is savage or not.

This brings a thought to mind.. Everyone who does an act of savagery, ignores the fact that it is savage, and does not think of it that way. Everyone who is affected, or a biased viewer sees it as a form of savagery. The previous examples given before show how a need for power will make people do savage acts. But it also shows the people who want power are blinded by their desire and think their actions are reasonable. Macbeth, Lord of the Flies, and the use of the atomic bomb are all examples of why people decide something is savage.

One thought on “Savage or Nah?

  1. anatoliaf says:

    Very well explained and thought out. Love the visuals, and the quotes really help to get ur points across. You connected your ideas well and everything flowed nicely, and could tell what your concept was throught out each new idea. Overall thought it was very well done.

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