Herzog; the new Carr
Hello! today i’ll be going over the second part to my last post, Carr. This time I was in herzog. In herzog we learnt how to take better photos and how to use filters to our advantage.
For the first assignment we took a photo of patterns and an object. After we took a photo of the object we went into markup and drew a face and arms on the object to make it look like a living thing. I chose my tangled headphones for the object
The second photo we had to recreate an old photo of ourselves. This assignment I handed in really late and I didn’t like how it turned out anyways.
For the 3rd assignment we had to make a photo that gave off an emotion. The emotions were given out randomly and I was given tense. Whats more tense than a test you didnt study for? While making the test I learnt how to use filters and lighting to portray certain emotions.
Next we made name collages, I made a page about it! cool name thing
Then the last assignment we did we made a GIF for a reaction. I got inspiration from my friend and I made a surprised reaction with them. We made the GIFs on keynote, which I didn’t even know was possible.
If I had a choice to redo the project for a better grade I would probably take that offer but if I was offered for fun I wouldn’t take it. So to go in depth about that, I didn’t t have much fun doing this project and I think I got a pretty bad grade because of that.
Until next time, buh-bye!!