January 3

Viva La Revolution!!

Welcome back! 2 projects are done and this is the first blog post of them. I’ll be talking about the Revolution project we just finished up. Since we got to choose the revolution we got to research, I chose the American revolution. Why? Because I wanted to, nah I actually don’t remember but anyways. After we chose we got put into the groups, we were told if we were defending the revolution (effective) or prosecuting it (ineffective), I was defending the American revolution. Most people got their first pick like me but some got their second or third because of the amount of people needed. Groups were made, and we started to study our revolution so we could fill out a graphic organizer, here’s what mine ended up looking like.  

Since we got to choose the topic we were interested in, I didn’t have much of a problem focusing. Of course thats not saying that I didn’t do it efficiently, there was definitely a faster way I could have filled out the organizer or better ways to research what I needed to know instead of assuming i’ll need to know it. After that, we starting making our affidavits for the mock trial. 

(While I was editing this, I couldn’t find the affidavit to link to this post, sorry you gotta use your imagination)

I’m not going to go over all of the exhibits but theres one I want to talk about which is the witness interview, our witness was John Lauren’s (played by yours truely). “He” talked about what he did to help the revolution and to try and free slaves. I think my group could have worked together better for the affidavit and filming. Almost the whole time the people pulling the groups weight was Susan E

After we filmed all of it we uploaded and handed it in and then it was done and we got to just chill out for a few classes. The project went okay, it definitely wasnt my favourite but it wasnt the worst project. Anyways, look out for the next post, its all about the Winter exhibition. Goodbye for now!