November 29

“Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am”

What an explosive way of starting the school year with the project I’ve been looking forward to the most


 The Manhattan Project!

Unfortunately the project was not what it should have been, this year we didn’t get to do a field school in a related area (ex. Los Alamos), which was the whole reason I was excited for this project. Seeing the photos from last years grade 11s made me so jealous and eager and its almost entirely the reason I stayed in PLP, but I digress.

During this project we learnt how to use a Zettlekasten and smart brevity and put all our notes in that format. These formats didn’t particularly work with how I have my notes and assignments organized in craft, so I mostly ignored them once I could (If I could explain what they are I would).

After taking all of our notes in class we put them into a smart brevity format and handed them in. Once we did that we then chose the topic for our animation and started to storyboard and plan it. Our topics had to show how the manhattan project affected the world, for good or for worse. My topic was about the reaction of the bomb and how it led to discoveries in science and how that effects the earth today.

Initially we had one week to animate a 1m 30s (minimum) video. If you’ve ever drawn or animated you know thats almost impossible to do alone, but after multiple sleepless nights and a lot of shortcuts, I handed it in on time!… Just to find out we got a week long extension. 

Here’s my animation since I’m sure you’re DYYYING to know

After that extra week I was hoping our videos would be shown to the class, which they never were. That really bummed me out because some elements of my animation were references only some of my friends would get.

The project wrapped itself up very quietly as we transitioned into our next project