No Escape!
Todays post is about the mysterious black holes (holes… holes… holes…) sadly this post is gunna be smaller because we don’t know that much about black holes but here we go..
every black hole has something called the “event horizon” as soon as anything goes past this line theres no going back. You get sucked into the middle and all you’ll see is the light of far away stars slowly start to warp and bend around the horizon event of the black hole
here’s a chart of the parts of a black hole!:
That should help make more sense of what I said
alright until next time! Bye bye!!
Hey Jupiter! Nice post. I like your diagram, it really helped me understand black holes.
Hi Jupiter, i like your post, I just wonder if there are any more concepts that have to do with black holes, as, when i was younger I had an obsession with space, i remember a concept called “Spagetthification” and I’m just wondering what that was.
P. S. Check out my blog