January 28


Driving question 1: “How have i demonstrated growth as a Lerner so far this year?”
I think I’ve grown a lot since the school year started. I feel like i participate a lot more than i did before i joined PLP and im not as scared to public speak in front of my classmates. Ive definitely grown in the social aspect of my work and i hope to improve more specially in some groups i feel like im doing nothing in. More specifically in scimatics IVE gotten better at math at least a bit and I’ve learnt more math formulas (ex. Pythagorean theory) and in humanities i practiced reading poetry (mine or others) to the class in the most recent project we did. In maker, our first exhibition was to make something kind of like a reflection and we would show it off to our parents and our classmates parents.

Driving question 2: “How can i sharpen my learning plan to ensure i will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year”
i think if im more harsh on myself to get my work done or to do better i probably would but i would need a good motivation thats not just “if i dont get my work done then my parents will take my phone away” that just makes me more stressed about my work so it should somewhere in the middle of that, more like a reward if i get my work done. I definitely should try to do better (this part is repeated later in this post) and be more harsh but sometimes i just lack the motivation to be harsh on myself or do the best i can. In maker i could ask what i could do to help or create more ideas with teammates. In humanities i could try to have the work done on time more often or try to do my best even if i really dont like the subject. In scimatics i could try to do more of the math or science in groups instead of making the presentation look nice. I could try to do both math and decorations for that though.

-Of the work you completed so far this year, what are you least proud of? Why?
To be honest I’m not proud of a lot of work but if i had to choose I would say probably the tectonic chances board game we made or the ad for deep cove music at the start of the year. I didn’t like how they turned out in the end and i thought they would look different or better in some way. Specially with the board game, i feel like i could have put a lot more effort into the final design (like rules or game mechanics) because all i did was build the board and make some playing characters. With the deep cove music ad i just didnt like how it ended up looking. I didnt like the black/white borders on the side and the photos we took to use weren’t good either. I think it looked really complicated 

-Did all the work you completed this year meet your standards?
Honestly i don’t expect to get an A and i know i should “strive to get better grades” but honestly I’m okay with getting Bs. Going “above and beyond” is something i try to do but with the time i have to get to do it, its kinda difficult. And i know i can just clear some time in my schedule but i want some time to just hang out with friends or relax or just have a day to myself. 

-What skills did you use and what skills do you need to continue to develop?
Yea i need to improve on a lot of things, mostly just how to work more effectively in a group. At the moment i feel like i rely on my teammates to do most the work, for example my DI group. I feel like im not really apart of it and i bring no thoughts to the table. Tom, Luca, Judah and Makai do most/all the work and i feel like i just let them to get out of work easily even though i know that DI actually goes towards my maker 8 grade.

-When did you feel dissatisfied during the process of working on projects?
Mostly in scimatics. At the start of every project we always get like 3 workbooks of homework just of pure science or math and its always boring and it feels like ill never get them done on time. With humanities or maker im not usually dissatisfied 

-What did/do you find frustrating about PLP work?
The amount of homework that you have to do is a lot more than what I’m used to, most of my friends who aren’t in plp also agree that the homework that plp gives out is a lot. Im used to a light amount of homework that you get from not finishing the work in class but with plp no matter what you’ll get homework, even if you finish the stuff they give you in class. And it feels like if you dont do the homework they give you the day youre given it, you suddenly get so behind on your work and it gives you no time to relax or hang out with your friends.

January 24

Light Show!

Just recently i finished a project for scimatics that proved the law of reflection. Let me explain..

So first for a few weeks we were doing workbooks learning about the law of reflection/Pythagorean theory and the math behind it. Then my teacher, Mr. Harris, told us that we would be working with electronics (lasers to be more specific) so we got paired into groups, i got paired with Luca, Kira B, Frankie, Mackenzie, and myself. So we chose a theme and we chose the sky. Luca was doing   all the engineering, me and frankie worked on the  decorations, Kira helped Luca with the electronics, and Mackenzie helped make  some clouds.
(I’m totally keeping the sun and clouds)

The day of the presentation we were brought into the other scimatics classroom and we put down our project. The other teacher, Mr. Gross, sprayed canned smoke on the laser triangles  and you could see the lines really well! But for our light something went wrong somewhere and the light was weaker than everyone else’s.  you might need to turn up the brightness on your device if you can to see the details in the photos.
We also made a Mindmap in MindNode with questions and thoughts and we added answers to the questions after the project ended This project was super fun to put together and I would love to try to do it again but with a stronger light or more time to make the decorations. I definitely improved with the subject because I got a better understanding on the wavelengths of lasers and the Pythagorean theory. Anyways thats my scimatics project. Until next time!

January 23

The Sun Life Cycles

I’m not sure if everyone knows but suns, just like people and animals, have life cycles. But unlike humans and animals, it takes billions of years to get to the next stage.

Our sun is an average star and scientists estimate that in 4-5 billion years our sun will   collapse inwards and then expand rapidly into a red giant and will swallow Mercury, Venus, and most likely Earth. In another 100,000,00 billion years the sun will collapse into a planetary nebula and then collapse inwards into a white dwarf.

credits to https://spaceandbeyondbox.com/life-cycle-of-the-sun/ for the information

January 18

Earths wedding

The possibility of Earth getting rings isn’t quite impossible and could very well happen with enough time. It wont be the same way that scientists assume happened to Saturn. Since we dont have a second moon they wont be able to collide and create rings of rocks
Instead of that, it would be metal shards from old, broken satellites and space junk.
Since the metal and junk are orbiting at insane speeds (speeds that could get you around the world in 6 minutes) if they crash into each other they’d break into even smaller pieces, and eventually there would be enough metal scrap to start to form rings.
if Earth had rings made from the moon it would throw the world into chaos because the moon controls the water and tides. Without it there would be insane waves on almost every coastline.
the rings would theoretically travel around the equator. The farther away from the equator you are the more visible they would be

credits to brightside on youtube for the info

January 17

No Escape!

Todays post is about the mysterious black holes (holes… holes… holes…) sadly this post is gunna be smaller because we don’t know that much about black holes but here we go..

every black hole has something called the “event horizon” as soon as anything goes past this line theres no going back. You get sucked into the middle and all you’ll see is the light of far away stars slowly start to warp and bend around the horizon event of the black hole

here’s a chart of the parts of a black hole!:
That should help make more sense of what I said

alright until next time! Bye bye!!

January 12

The Andromeda What Now?

The next few posts i make are all going to be along the same lines as this one (about astronomy) and todays post is about The Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy is the Milky Ways sister galaxy. It’s around the same size of the Milky Way with the andromeda galaxy being 150,000 light years and the Milky Way being only 100,000 light years across. Speaking of galaxies, did you know usually theres a black hole in the centre of some galaxies? Yep its a true fact, Google it if you don’t believe me! Not much is known about this galaxy since theres no way for a human to explore it with our current technology. So since theres so little info this will sadly be all for this post. For my next post it’ll probably be black holes or star cycles. Until next time, bye bye!

December 31

The Outsiders

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today I’ll be going over our most recent exhibition. This winter exhibition was the biggest exhibition that we’ve had so far since 2019. All PLP grades were there but the grade 8s (my grade) were placed in the library to do tableaux from S.E. Hintons novel, The Outsiders. 

At the start of this project it seemed like it wasn’t going to fun at all, I barely understood what was happening in the book and I didn’t like the work we had to do. After we were told our tableaux group I started getting really interested in the tableaux. After my group assigned character roles, majority agreed that I should be the main character, Ponyboy.

The scene we were assigned was the scene where the socs try to drown Ponyboy and Johnny accidentally kills Bob Sheldon, one of the socs. We started brainstorming ideas and we came up with Pony being lifted into a fake fountain by Bob and the other socs and for the second scene we had Pony being held against a tree while Bob was about to choke him. In the second tableaux 2 socs were holding Pony’s arms back. Johnny was about to punch Bob to make him stop choking Pony and while all that was happening we had someone in the front filming the whole thing.

After a few weeks of memorizing and only a few days of creating, we were ready. The night of the exhibition, December 15th. All we had to do was say a few introduction lines, do 2 tableaux of the original scene then an adapted 2021 version. 

gif of setup, pretty bad quality ikr

Once we started performing I think most of the performances went really well! A few performances into the exhibition the sheets we used as a backdrop fell so Naomi had to go behind the stage and hold it up until we had a small little break where we could find some tape and let Naomi back into the performance. I think me and my group worked really well together! If I had another project with them I think we’d have a good time. Anyways, go check out their blogs! 






Until the next post, bye bye!

December 17

Herzog; the new Carr

Hello! today i’ll be going over the second part to my last post, Carr. This time I was in herzog. In herzog we learnt how to take better photos and how to use filters to our advantage.

For the first assignment we took a photo of patterns and an object. After we took a photo of the object we went into markup and drew a face and arms on the object to make it look like a living thing. I chose my tangled headphones for the object

The second photo we had to recreate an old photo of ourselves. This assignment I handed in really late and I didn’t like how it turned out anyways.

For the 3rd assignment we had to make a photo that gave off an emotion. The emotions were given out randomly and I was given tense. Whats more tense than a test you didnt study for? While making the test I learnt how to use filters and lighting to portray certain emotions.

Next we made name collages, I made a page about it! cool name thing

Then the last assignment we did we made a GIF for a reaction. I got inspiration from my friend and I made a surprised reaction with them. We made the GIFs on keynote, which I didn’t even know was possible.


If I had a choice to redo the project for a better grade I would probably take that offer but if I was offered for fun I wouldn’t take it. So to go in depth about that, I didn’t t have much fun doing this project and I think I got a pretty bad grade because of that.

Until next time, buh-bye!!

Category: Maker | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 25

We’re going on a Carr trip! but with a pencil..

Hello! In this post I’ll be explaining what I just learned about drawing in maker class.

So we were all gathered into separate rooms (Carr and Herzog). In Carr we learnt how to use pressure by drawing our names 

For the second assignment we learnt how to make a sketch note and how to make them make sense. It taught me how to put my ideas into a sketch and visualize my ideas.

The third lesson was sketching a mug or any still object and so I used an empty can as my object. We also made a 3D robot and got to colour it using colours that represent certain emotions. It taught me how to use a reference image and how to shade 3d objects

The fourth lesson I learned was how to make 3D objects and landscapes. The landscape I chose was the view from my grandmas deck. This taught me more about how to use the watercolour brush and how to make layers transparent than the whole landscape part of it.

The fifth and final drawing we made was making a company and drawing our logo for it, for my company i made a candy company that specializes in fake fruit flavour. I named it fruity friends because the target audience is mostly children and younger people. My idea behind the company was really simple, I was craving a lollipop that you can get from dollar stores since I haven’t had one of those since I was a kid. it taught me how to use the fill tool and other tools in the app like the ruler and spray paint

if I had to do something like this with drawing and learning new ways to draw I would definitely want to. Since there were two groups doing a different project, our groups switched so now im in the other group named Herzog! in Herzog we learn how to take better photos so as soon as im finished all 5 lessons in herzog ill make another post.

until next time, buh-bye!!