Swift codes

We have recently been coding lots and lots on our Ipads on an app called “swift playgrounds”. I enjoy coding because it incorporates a fun game aspect with learning. Another reason I enjoy it is because it is a good skill to have in your life if you are ever planning to go into any computer related careers. There are some reasons that I don’t like it though. The first reason is because often inputting the codes is very boring and time consuming and that is the main reason that I don’t like the coding. One other minor thing that I don’t like is that there isn’t a story involved with the character so it kind of seems pointless to have characters and scenery.
There are some changes that I would like to see in swift playgrounds. One of those changes is adding more character selection or avatar customization so the learning game feels more personalized to you. Another thing I would change is only displaying the hint after you fail three or four times otherwise some people will cheat and not actually learn coding. The last thing that I would say to improve swift playgrounds is that sometimes it has a slow response time and it lags when you enter commands. Thanks for reading the blog hope you enjoyed 🙂

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