Exhibit A, this way


Recently we had the PLP exhibition and we were all very nervous for it. Fortunately, it went well and we are all relaxed and happy now. All of the grade 8’s were studying the environment theme, all of the grade 9’s were doing a Harry Potter theme and all of the grade 11’s were doing a Canadian identity theme.

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As I am a grade 8 I was doing an environment theme and in particular I was studying how weather affected certain animals. My whole group was grouped because we all had similar topics. Down below I will include links to my groups blogs. After lots and lots of research I found many interesting things about my topic. After researching came creating my project. I decided to create my project in a creative way by turning it in to a sort of game that engaged the audience. I told them the weather condition and they guessed how it affected the animals and this carried on the whole night.
One great thing about the exhibition is that all of the topics are very interesting and at one point or another we all got to see each others projects. One not so great thing is that we are not allowed to sit down and it is hard to stand up in one spot for a long time. Besides that the exhibition went really well and I had a great time. I’m looking forward to the big exhibition and I’m sure i will really enjoy it as well.
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We also did a project for science on Minecraft. In the project we were tasked to create a structure with earthquakes proof features. Minecraft is an interesting app that is usually considered a game. In Minecraft you can build large structures faster than if you were to build a model of them in real life.

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Lucas Koop, Sofia Schliessler, Maggie Whitmore, Melika Niki, Emily Janzen

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