Marcus Antonius

In class during the last week or so we have been working on making paper men. Not just any paper men though, they are all related to Julius Caesars assassination in some way. We were split into five groups and my group (Austin, Jessie, Lauren and me) were given the character of Mark Antony.

The paper men we made were very interesting because they described the character they were with only pictures. If you look closely you will see lots of little drawings or pictures inside but you will see no words. This is because we were tasked to describe the man without using a single word.

In this project we learned how to better work together. We also learned how to take what everyone says and then combine it to make it better. We also had our art skills tested along with some time management.

If I ever did this project again I would definitely try to use white space more effectively so I would have more artwork and less ugly standout space. I would also make sure everyone in the group would agree on something before we did it. And lastly I would be sure that everything thing you put on the man is specific and it is shown in a creative way.

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