Projectus mathematica

This is a bit late but it’s interesting so just bare with me here. A few months ago we did several projects. The first one of these projects is an awesome project called “The Door”. It sounds intimidating but it’s not really. If you break down what we did it comes down to calculating the surface area of the door and then multiplying its surface area by three times with paper cutouts.

To create this door we used paper cutouts to make three dimensional shapes with larger surface areas than the regular door. After that we glued them on in a special configuration so they would fit perfectly. One awesome thing we did to use space wisely was use negative space or in other words cut the front off of a shape. Although you lose the surface area of the surface you cut off, you gain five more surfaces from the now exposed inner surfaces. This project took one to two weeks and was lots of fun and I really enjoyed it.

The other super awesome project we did was Minecraft structure building. In this project we worked in pairs and we were tasked with creating a structure that was 10000 cubic meters, resembled a certain type of architecture from a certain region and was seismically sound by having several anti earthquake features. Me and my partner Daniel made a mayan or aztec temple and some of the anti-earthquake measures include seismic dampeners, metal I-beams and four way cross linked Y-beams. This project took two or three weeks and it was probably the classes favorite project that we have done so far.

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