My first student led conference (SLC)

Soon will come the student led conferences (SLC’s). To explain, the SLC’s are conferences in which the student shows his or her parents and teachers exactly what they have learned. In PLP the students do this by showing the parents and teachers their blogs which have been recording their learning all year. First of all I will show some examples of the work I am most proud of. One example of some work I am proud of was made in Oregon. This is my Oregon book which explain what we did on a day to day basis in Oregon. The reason why I am especially proud of this is because it give a good looking but detailed analysis of our entire field study trip to the Oregon coast. Another piece of work I am proud of is the TV structure that I made for DI. I am proud of this because it was a challenge to make but my DI group all pitched in and finished it off in time. I am also proud of it because it looks good. One more thing I am proud of is a news article I made for the deep cove crier. I am proud of this because I did several edits of it and it is now a well written piece of work. I am also proud of it because it was one of the first documents I had written that I really learned from.

A good example of my learning would be looking at my blog posts. If you look at one of my earliest they are not that great because they don’t have many links or pictures and they are not edited very thoroughly. If you look at one of my new ones they have pictures or videos, links and they are edited with more care.

Next, some work that shows my growth mindset. One piece of work that demonstrates good growth mindset is my whole DI process. This is because when I first started DI I didn’t think I would be able to be creative enough to come up with a good solution. By the end I realized I could and I was able to come up with a great solution that solved our team challenge. Another example of growth mindset was in science when I worked on the door project. At first I thought I couldn’t do all the math properly without getting mixed up. I realized that I needed to have a growth mindset on this so I tried my hardest and I learned how to do the math properly.

Finally, I will talk about the three goals that I have made for myself for the rest of the school year. The three goals that I set are

1. Become a better listener so I can fully capture what the teacher is saying and use it to my advantage
2. Always try to avoid procrastinating so I can think more clearly about what I am working on

3. When given a choice for a project always try to think outside of the box so my project stands out from everybody else’s

I chose these goals because I feel that they are very specific to me and if I can meet all of them I will become a much more successful learner and become more interesting and engaged in what I am doing. One challenge for these goals is being persistent and not giving up on them. Another challenge could be staying concentrated and remembering these goals at the right time. I plan to achieve these goals by thinking about them in some of my spare time and always trying to remember them whenever I am in class

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