The poetic persons powerfull book

Recently in class we have been working on poems. The reason we have been doing this is to learn different types of poems you can write and also to learn different poem and English terms. At the end of the unit we had to create a book compiling all of the poems we made over the course of the unit.

First let’s talk about the different types of poems we learned how to make, and let’s talk about some terminology. We learned how to make some awesome poems but a few types stood out to me. One type that stood out was the found poem. It stood out to me because to make it you have to find a paragraph or section of text, you then had to cut out the un-needed and meaningless words. After this was done you could change the fonts of certain words to make them stand out or look special. Once all of this was done you had your found poem.

One more type of poem we made in particular that I liked was haikus. I like haikus because you don’t get many syllables to work with so you have to make good use out of the few word that you get.

We also learned some awesome words in this unit. Some interesting words we learned include juxtaposition which is two contrasting ideas being close together, euphony which means words that sound good together like “topaz tortoises” or “soapy rope” and, alliteration which means consonant letters in close repetition like “foggy forest foraging” or “whale watchers wanted”.

After we learned all of the poem types and terms we were tasked with creating a nice looking book that had one of each type of poem we learned but, all of the poems had to be about or related to worldview and we also had to include our worldview video into it. At first I found it a bit difficult to use all of the new tools we were given to create our books. After I got used to the tools I had to find some nice images to put into my poem book with my poems. After that was done I used an app called Phonto to put some specialized fonts into my book. If you want to see my book it is directly below.

or if you want a direct link so you can download it on your device the link is here.

Overall I enjoyed and learned tons more from this project/unit that I thought I would. When I first found out that we were doing poems I was kind of not that happy about it. Thanks to some good teaching and interesting projects I regally grew to like the poems and creating the poem book. The poem book also helped me develop my editing skills as they are not that great. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and have a great day.

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