Strangely Similar

Around the world, no two people are the same. Sure, some people are very, very similar but still not the same. From your religion to the colour of your skin to wether you like cheese or not we all have similarities and differences.

Being different is not a bad thing. Everyone in the world has their own awesome differences they they should show off and be proud of instead of hiding away from the public. To show our differences I though it would be a good idea to show two contrasting ideas and see which ones the readers choose. I drew a picture for Android users and a picture for apple users. Comment below which you use or if you don’t use a phone at all. Tell me why you chose your phone and il look at your blog too! 

My comparaison drawing

One more thing I thought would be awesome is to compare music tastes. I listen to a lot of rap from a lot of different artists. I also listen to some classic rock. Some of may favorite artists are Mac Miller, Led Zeppelin and Eminem. What music do you listen to? 

One of my favorite albums to recently come out

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