My Mpol

Once again, everyone in PLP is doing their Mpol or Midyear presentation of learning.  it is the time of year to reflect, evaluate and improve the learning I do in PLP. It’s time to look at all the work I’ve done, what I’ve done well, not so well, and everything in between. It’s time to use my completed work to celebrate what I have done so far this year and set goals for myself to improve in the future.

To start off I want to look at some work that I’m really proud of. One example of work that I am very proud of and I think I did a great job of was my Pecha Kucha presentation. I think public speaking is definitely one one my skills and this project coincided with a lot of my stronger areas as a learner. When I got up in front of everyone I had this feeling that I would have a great presentation and afterwards I was very proud of myself. In this project I felt prepared and confident and I really think this is a case of hard work pays off. In this project I think that I really fine tuned a lot of my presentation, speaking and writing skills with this project through repetitions of the spoken and presentation aspects and through revisions of the written aspect.

Pêcha kucha’s own official website

I also want to show a project that didn’t go as smoothly to see what I could have done better. I think an example that shows this was the algebra project that I did with Daniel. Although in the end of the project I think we actually finished with a fairly solid result, throughout the project we struggled. One problem I think we had was staying focused. I think we had this problem because we are friends and we had a hard time not making jokes and going off task the whole project. This resulted in us being rushed in the end of the project. One more problem we had or especially I had was actually knowing the concepts for the project 100 percent. To fix these problems for next time I will make sure to lay out what needs to get done on each day before hand so I can set mini goals for each day, and I will make sure that if I don’t fully understand a concept that I will ask for help so I don’t get to far behind.

Our project name

Two goals in particular I have set for myself through the course of this school year are making sure to always hand in work on time and improving my reflective work. A solution/plan I have set for myself to hand in work on time is to use things more frequently and effectively so I can keep track of what is due when. I set this goal because I don’t want to stress about homework as much and I want to feel confident in it. With things I am confident I can stay on top of my work. To improve my reflective work I am going to make sure i always ask myself what I am going to do better and how will I do it better. I will also either ask a parent or a teacher for input on my reflections.


In math and science I think I am doing pretty good. As long as I can keep my focus and stay interested I’m confident I can meet my PGP. Especially with our current chemistry project which I’m very interested in I feel good about these subjects.

In humanities i think I can meet my goal now that I’m back on track from my broken arm. As long as I can stay on top of my work I think my PGP is doable. I have already set goals above for that so I think I’m on a good path.

In maker I think I can meet my PGP as long as I can co tribute well to my group in DI. I think I can do this because even though I might not act like it I actually like DI a lot and think it’s pretty fun compared to a lot of other thing you have to do in school.

To conclude my Mpol post, I just want to say that this whole school year has been a rollercoaster. From all of the Exciting field schools we go on to breaking and dislocating my arm, to the thrilling night of the winter exhibition and my Pecha Kucha presentation. I am looking forward to more positive experiences throughout the year and I’m happy to be feeling ready to tackle all of the challenges in my way.

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