PGP time machine

For this blog post I will be talking about my latest project the PGP time machine. For this project we had to make something that represents everything we learned in PGP this year that would help our past self. Originally I wanted to make a book but I screwed up and mis read some big parts of the project and thought it could be sent back to any point in time but you can’t so in simple terms I screwed up but that comes later so let’s start at the beginning. The first thing we had to do was make a pitch form after I did that we had to be approved I was not this is that pitch form.  I was a little confused and got distracted and forgot about it skip till about a week before it’s due and one of my friends reminded me about it and I talked to the teacher about a new idea a podcast and got started. The first thing I did was do a mind map to try and figure out what I was going to talk about. After that I started to work on the script  which wasn’t too hard then it was the hard part which was recording because it took a ton of editing to fix all of my mistakes. After that Was finally over I got the intro music put it together and was done. Overall this was very fun but there are lots of things I could have improved on for example I don’t think I followed the instructions quite right. Here is the script and the actual podcast

DI regionals reflection

Hi for this blog post I will be talking about something I did just before spring break that is called DI or destination imagination. What destination imagination is a program where people of any age but mostly middle school aged kids sign up and are given a challenge with specific rules to complete they can do this in a group of around six kids . 

Overall my favourite part of this project had to have been the instant challenges. What an instant challenge is is a challenge that you are given during DI so you have no time to prepare or anything. The reason this was my favourite was because I like how its random and how you can never know what its going to be. 

Now to start the story it all started about a month and a half ago we had to do a sheet to figure out what challenge we would get. What we had to put were the to three challenges we wanted and then we had write what ideas we had for are top challenge. My top three were 1. Technical you had to built a drone for that one 2. Engineering thats the one I got and finally 3. I’m not sure what I picked but if I remember I will update this post. 

After we finished the sheet it took a couple weeks to get are groups and are challenge during that time we practiced doing instant challenges and other things. Once we finally got are groups and challenges (my group consisted of me, Liam, Holly, Alex, Ben, and Emily) we split up what people did I was in charge of the story and a few other small things. 

When it was finally are first full block to work on DI during that block are group just planed and tried to figure out everything. The next block we had people in are group bring some supplies like popsicle sticks and glue guns. The reason we needed those is is to test structure designs although are final design wasn’t made out of them it was made out of balsa wood because there was specific weight limit so it had to be light and balsa wood is decently strong and light.

 For the first two weeks of DI preparation we didn’t do to many different things I did the script mostly and we also worked on some other things like the structure and our team choice elements. After the first two weeks though we started doing a ton more we figured out our second team choice element but first I forgot to tell you what are first team choice element was a dance Choreographed by our team and for our second we decided to make a song for the background of our play/story. 

Well before I go on I guess I should tell the story so the scripts at the bottom. 

For the final week before DI we painted our backdrop which is basically just a portable wall other than that we just built structures and props. Once it was finally the day of DI we had to arrive at school at 8 even though our performance wasn’t till like two and our instant challenge was at around 11 so while we waited we just watched our friends performances and ate food. 

Once it came time for our instant challenge we went up and it was amazing we did very well although i cant talk specifically about it because that’s against DI rules. After the instant challenge we went out to lunch at cafe Orso after that it was time to check in at the booth after we did that the performance was on. 

The performance didn’t go as well as it could have but it wasn’t the worst i could have been. After all of that we watched one more thing and then it was the award ceremony where guess what we won first place for the instant challenge and the main challenge. 

Overall i think DI regionals was fun and a good learning experience I think some ways I can improve is by  helping more because I didn’t do to much and being more active with  the group.        

Our performance:


The script:


Opens in Monstarbucks the evil barista and her assistant are in a heated argument standing behind the counter:

Lumberjack: “no I’m not letting you do that to a customer” 

Evil barista: “fine fine fine let me try a different experiment then”

Lumberjack: “what experiment?”

Evil barista: “it um, it makes people smarter”

Lumberjack:  “ok” with a convinced and confident tone

At that moment, two women and a man named Harold enter. They order their drinks and walk to the nearest table. 

After a few seconds, the barista comes and gives the drinks completely messing up the names which is not really a surprise.

Harold:  “Oh my gosh, was that not the most amazing party ever?!” 

Margaret: “It was ok, but, are you kidding? There wasn’t even a ouija board!”

Alice: “Do you really believe in that?”. 

Then, a man named Walter with a weird walk and look on his face walks in. 

Margaret: stares as he is walking in “dang ain’t he the bees knees” with a judgemental and disgusted tone and look on her face. (Do you mean sarcastic? also this just doesn’t fit the tone of the story.)

Alice: “I know right!”

Walter walks up to the counter

Walter: “Hi can I have um um.. wait, what’s the special?” 

Evil barista: “oh yes, the special is called the MONSTARIFIER!”

Walter: “alright then, I will have that…whatever it’s called”

Evil barista: “hey! you plaid shirt guy!”

Lumberjack: “uh, my name is actually lumber Jackson the third!”

Evil barista: “whatever, you have to put on the flavour boosters”


Lumberjack: “ok don’t gotta be mean about it” as he is roles his eyes and walks toward the weight tester

*Making of the Drink-Weight placement on structure*

Walter: “Wait, what does that mean? Will I actually turn into a monster?!” Pointing at the specials board. 

Evil Barista: “Oh, uh, don’t worry about that, our lawyer just told us to put that there..for fun…hehe”

Walter: “Haha..alright”

Evil Barista: “So what brings you here?” Looking around, cleaning her counter, rearranging the food and stuff. 

Walter: “Well,”

Evil Barista: “Oh! Your drink is ready!”

If there is still enough time, holly doesn’t interrupt yet. 

Walter: “Ok..” sad that he couldn’t finish because the evil barista didn’t really care”.

Evil barista: “here’s your drink  (does an evil laugh while “coughing”)”

Walter: “Um ok” with a confused face turning to the audience”. 

After he sips there are flashing lights and thunder sounds. 

Walter: “what… what’s happening to me?!” trembling and being super dramatic, shaking looking sort of crippled. 

Alice and/or margaret: “What’s going on?! Someone call the police!”

Harold: “Some guy probably had too much coffee..”

Alice: “No..I don’t think so…”

He dramatically falls behind the counter and returns as a blue headed monster

Alice and Margaret: “Oh my gosh!”

Harold: “What?” In a confused tone

Monster walks very slowly like a zombie. 

Margaret: “Harold…look behind you”

Harold looks behind him and sees that the monster is almost right behind him (a little more than half way”. He then steps off his chair and takes a step back, throwing his cup at the monster. 

Harold: “Don’t worry, I can protect you” stepping in-front of the girls.

The monster takes a step ahead 

Harold screams in a very high tone and sprints behind the girls. Margaret and Alice look at each other, slightly annoyed. 

The monster is still there, coming at them. Until, he hugs them instead of attacking. 

Margaret: “What? But, why isn’t it attacking us?” 

Harold : “I..I guess it’s misunderstood” still a little frightened. 

Alice: “It just wants to be our friend” also still a little frightened.

The evil barista walks up to them.

Evil barista turns to the crowd as a reflecting on what she has done;


Evil Barista: “Even after I I turned you into a monster it’s, it’s still happy?!” 

The evil barista turns to the monster and takes a few steps towards him. Takes a pause. 

Evil barista: “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, it was a mistake. Small Pause. Will you ever forgive me?”  

The monster nods and hugs her.

Evil barista: “I guess that’s a yes then.” 

Then, they all go up and hug the monster at once. They all huddle up and celebrate as a sign of friendship. 

Evil Barista: “Let’s play some music!”

Margaret: “Ok! Why not?”

Harold runs behind the backdrop, turning on the song.

Alice: “I love this song!”

Then they break into dance (The power of love).

For the last pose at the end of the dance, Harold takes a picture of everyone. “And scene”

Margaret to the audience: “Thank you all for watching! All of this has all BEAN a LATTE fun!” 

*Lumberjack does the weights for as long as possible until the skit is done or our time is over. 





End of the world project review

Hi for this blog post we will be talking about a very big project we did this term that project is called it’s the end of the world as we know it. This project was all about worldview change specifically the worldview change from elementary school to high school.

 The first thing we did for this project was a big board of need to know questions for this what we had to do was write three need to know questions on stickie notes and put them on the board after that the teacher took them and answered but not all of them she left some for later in the project. 

After we did the board we started learning about the crusades and how they encouraged cultural exchange after we read and did many sheets we had to write a paragraph on the changes to worldview that the crusades brought either Western Europe or muslims. By this point I was quite intrigued by the crusades which was good because the next thing we did was read a book about the crusades. 

The book we read was called the book of the lion I remember this book not being the best but it was still very interesting. For this we didn’t just have to read the book we also had to sheets about the book that we discussed in are table groups. 

The next part of the project was to make a ven diagram for this ven diagram we had to write changes we had in high school changes are peers had and finally changes that experts said you would most likely go through. this part was fun because we got to get into big groups to ask questions there was also some joking around but shhhhh.

After that we had to do yet another brainstorming activity a mind map about are worldview changes from elementary school to high school but there was a catch we had to sort it by the 7 aspects of worldview aka knowledge, beliefs, values, geography, economy,time, and society. After I finished that we finally started making are parody’s of its the end of the world as we know it.

My first draft wasn’t the best mostly because It was only half the song and some of words weren’t the right amount of syllables. For my second draft I changed a few things and got three quarters done also that was the time we had to start recording are song.

My first draft of the song was pretty bad in my opinion because I used an awful mic and screwed up timing while singing the second draft wasn’t much better. After the second draft was done the my teacher threw a massive curve ball she told us that we were now doing the song in groups what that meant was that we took all of are groups parody’s together to make a super parody which sounded awesome.

For are first draft we had to do the lyrics and record it wait wait wait there’s yet another twist we also had to make a video with pictures of all of us from gr8 and gr7. Are first draft isn’t bad that is if your deaf I say that because the video wasn’t bad but the song was awful it kinda sounded like death metal. You know I was fine with are song not being the best mostly because I knew we could improve one bad thing though we had to show it to other people so they could give us critique.

The critique went well we got lots of good feedback and they were quite nice. After the feed back we had to make are final draft for that we just re recorded and changed a few photos. Now what you have all been waiting for the video .

Overall I think this was a great project that taught about worldview change and the crusades.

my group




Winter exhibition

Hi guys for this blog post I will be talking about something I did just before winter break called the PLP winter exhibition where we presented a poster about a religion we were given but before I talk about that I have to go back to the start of the project.

There were some things that we did before what I’m about to talk about but since I already covered those in a different blog post here is a link.

So after we did are explain everything’s we started to work on something called a religious worldview photo documentary for that we had to go on two field trips where we visited multiple Different religious places of worship, for example, we went to a Buddhist temple  where we learned more about the Buddhist religion. During these visits, we took tons of photos of our visits to put in the photo documentary.

After all of these field trips we started on our photo documentaries, first we sorted through all of our photos and put them together for the first draft of our photo documentary. After we handed in the first draft of are photo documentary we got some feedback and started working on my second draft some of the feedback I got on my first draft was that I needed to take out the music and change some of the transitions so nobody got offended.

After I finished all of those changes I handed in my second draft. After that we got some more feed back some of the things I ended up having to change is I had to change some photos add some new titles I also had to take a few new photos but sadly I ran out of time to do that and by that I mean take new photos.

By the time we finished are third draft we had started are main thing for the winter exhibition are winter exhibition poster for that what we had to do was we were put in groups and given an religion to make a poster about that poster had to display there seven aspects of world view.

Are first draft wasn’t the best but it wasn’t the worstThen we made are second draft where we changed a few things  like we added a a guy in the middle and a few things on the side one issue the guy looked super creepy because the person in a re group drew him very creepy  any way for are third draft what we changed is we redrew the priest  we also added some titles to the facts and other things we had around the side of the priest.

After that we made are final draft we switched out the priest for a silent of jesus we also changed the background color. Now we were finally done are poster and it was time to prepare for the winter exhibition the first thing we had to was make snacks for around 100 people so we made hot cross cookies I made half and the other half was made by someone in my group named felix (his blog link here) after all of that it was finally the day of the winter exhibition.

we set up are stand and the night started it was very fun I really enjoyed it  and I cant wait till the next time we do one we got tons of nice people who came to are stand who asked great questions overall   My favorite part was the grade 11 classes project on the 1950s which was an interactive walkthrough.

After all of that we cleaned up and the night was over. Overall I think this experience was super-fun and I can’t wait to do it again.

my group





Over this term I think I have improved tremendously for example I’ve gotten better at writing I’ve expanded my worldview and I’ve become better at asking questions. Ok now lets start talking about how I have improved in specific subjects to start this off lets talk about humanity’s and I think the best way to start off humanity’s is to talk about in my opinion the biggest project of the term the winter exhibition or to be more accurate the religious world view post photo documentary and all that other fun stuff. (if you want to hear about the winter exhibition in detail please check out my other blog post here.) ok one thing that I think that has really changed over this term is my worldview (the reason I’m putting this one in humanity’s is because thats what we were working on for the first term) I think what changed my worldview so much was being able to see and here about tons of people different beliefs and how they viewed the world. One of my biggest struggles in humanity’s was and still is procrastination this is such a big struggle because I always think I have a ton of time then I just end up doing it the night before or even worse it gets late for example my winter exhibition blog post it was late because I kept thinking oh I have a ton of time and now its late so what I have learned from that is that I shouldn’t procrastinate and that even if I have a few days I should just it over with.


Some of the things that I learned in science this term is how tectonic plates cause earthquakes which I found very exiting. For example just before winter break we made a tectonics children’s book where we wrote a story for children that explained about tectonics in way that kids would understand. On of my biggest problems when it comes to science class is getting distracted I think I will combat that by turning off notifications for all apps not school related while at school . Some other things that I have learned during science class is what cells are and what they do.

For the third last class I will be talking about  is maker I’m really exited to talk about this one because this is my favourite class and we do and learn so much fun stuff for example right now we have been working on DI a very fun thing where students work on challenges that challenge there thinking and puzzle solving. Some other thing we have done is the basic iPad knowledges like photo taking and sketch note taking. I was really happy we worked on note taking because that’s something I have always had room to improve on.

 Now for the second last class math in math we worked on a ton of things that were very intriguing for example we worked on fractions which is a thing that I have always struggled with it didn’t really help that I get distracted in class. some of the things I learned about fractions and how to multiply and divide fractions but my favourite thing is what we are working on now aka geometry I like that because its a new chance for me to get better at focusing and because it just seems so awesome because I have always liked math.

 Now for the final thing I will be talking about PGP!! Some of the things the PGP has taught me is how to properly reflect on learning and how to structure reflections. 

Now finally just to recap we talked about my learning in many different subjects and how its improved and how it still needs to improve.

Week 10 blogging challenge

Hi guys now I should just let you know that this is the final blogging challenge of this year but I just want to say I’m not going to stop blogging there will still be posts coming out on this blog now that we have that said lets get into the post. So for this blogging challenge we had to reflect on past blogging challenges which I really enjoyed because it was fun looking at all of my old blog posts and to see how I improved over the span of the blogging challenge. In total I have done fourteen blog posts to and nine of them were for the blogging challenge so I think we should start there.

The first blogging challenge blog post I made was called my avatar it was where I talked about the avatar I made for my blog it wasn’t the worst but I would have liked it to be longer it was only about 2 sentences. Some things I would improve if I were to do this post again is I would make it longer I would have at least a paragraph explaining exactly how I made it and a more in depth reason why I made it what I did my avatar.

For the second blogging challenge I wrote about my experience with quality commenting. This blog post suffered some of the same issues that the first one had for example it’s to short, not enough information, and I forgot to capitalize some words. If I were to do this blogging challenge again I would make the names of the people who’s blogs I commented into links to there blog I would also try to be more descriptive on why I thought my comments were quality comments.

For the third blogging challenge I made an emoji guessing game if I’m being honest it was quite bad the video I made was a terrible quality and I had no information on how I made it in my blog post. One thing that really annoys me about his blog post is that I didn’t have a sentence because I never used a period. If I were to do this again I would make the video a better quality and ad a couple move movies. Another thing I would do is ad more sentences and work on the grammar.

For the forth blogging challenge I made a what type are you quiz just like all of my blog posts before it was way to short it just said “so today I made a what are you quiz if you would like to answer just comment down below” and then had a slide show with some questions. Some problems with this post is that it is way to short and before I fixed them it had some spelling/grammar mistakes. If were to do this again I would probably make it longer.

For the fifth blogging challenge I couldn’t find this blogging challenge so I will do and you can expect that by next Tuesday

For the sixth blogging challenge I wrote a bog post about the most luminous galaxy that we know of. Now around this time all of my blog posts started to get longer and more in detain which I’m very happy about because that meant that I was improving. Some things that I think I could improve would be grammar, capitalization, and for some reason the survey I made wouldn’t work. How I could fix those is for the grammar and capitalization there is a really good app called Grammarly which helps with grammar, capitalization, and it helps to make sure your not plagiarizing secondly to fix the survey I would get it re imbedded and I would use a different device to make sure it works.

For the seventh blogging challenge we were allowed to do whatever we want so I decided to was Wright a post about drink mixes because why not. I think tha my week seven blog post was pretty good but if I was to do it again i would probably put in more drink mixes.

For my week eight blog post I reviewed a fun Christmas game. One problem with the game was that it was kinda violent and had some gore so if I ever did it again I would probably review a different game.

Now finally for my ninth blog post I did a post about coding it was very fun because I really like coding. The reason we did coding was because it was national coding week at the time of that blog post. Some things I would change if I were to do this again is I would probably try more than just one coding activity and I would show some photos as an example.

And this is my final blogging challenge I hope you liked it god bye and good day.

My worldview

Hi for this blog post I will be talking about how I made my worldview explain everything. (it’s basically about what my worldview is and how I got it) so in the start before we made are explain everything’s we had to do a worldview questionnaire where we answered questions about are views on different subjects. After we did that we had to make a mind map where we brainstormed different things like travelling, watching tv, using technology, etc and we had to come up with ways that they changed are worldview’s then we had to revise the things from the mind map into a script for are explain everything after we did that we had to make are explain everything’s. 

For my draft one I just made the start of my explain everything it was pretty bad but it was only my first draft. What my first draft really was was just the first like 50 seconds I would have done more but I screwed up and lost three hours of work. For the second draft I just continued to complete my explain everything with no changes to my script or my video for my draft. For draft three I finally finished off my explain everything if I’m being honest it wasn’t the best I kinda just wrote my script down like a slideshow and added some drawings. After the third draft we got an audio file that had some feedback on it my kinda said that it wasn’t the best and that for some reason there was super squeaky sound. 

Because of the feedback I got on my third draft I decided to just completely restart from scratch for my final draft so I went back over made a new script and got started on my final draft. Just a quick side note this was not supposed to be my final draft but I got a draft behind so it ended up being my final draft. Now back to the story so for this final draft I decided that I should have me talking instead of writing down my script just so it looked less like a slide show and more like a actual video. For this draft I decided to use a couple different techniques that I hadn’t used on my previous drafts which was moving the objects around while recording which just makes it flow a little better. For my last draft I had decided to make the video and then add in sound later because then I wouldn’t have to worry about screwing up the audio because I was doing it while making the rest of my explain everything. Once I had finally finished my explain everything I watched it over a couple times to make sure it was good and then submitted it to Showbie (thats the app we use to hand stuff in) and posted it on YouTube. (the reason I posted it on YouTube was so I could put it on my blog to show you guys) 

Overall I think this project was really fun and taught me lots about worldview and other peoples worldview’s can be different from my own if I were able to do this project again I would probably make sure that I got everything handed in on time instead of being behind and handing it in late.


Week 9 blog

Week 9 blogging challenge

For this weeks blogging challenge we did coding. For the first task we had to read a story about a teen named Alex I really liked his story it was inspirational and was also very interesting. The second thing we had to do was to leave a comment so I did. He hasn’t responded yet but I hope he will.

For the second task I had to do an hour of code so I went to the website hour of code to try to find a cool task a ton of the tasks were all block coding but I wanted to try something else like java script or HTML. In the end I found a super cool one where I got to code asteroids the game. This required that I used the arrow keys on my keyboard which was fine because I had them but one of my friends named Anders didn’t have a keyboard so we ended up working on this together. It was really fun so what we had to do was fix problems with the code in order to make the ship fly around and dodge the asteroids. It wasn’t to hard except for the fact that I always forgot to capitalize which is super important because if you don’t well then it doesn’t work. Some of the things we had to fix were turning, what direction you moved, and how fast you moved the hardest out of those three was definitely what direction you moved because it took the most code to fix. This hole experience took around an hour ten minutes.

The final task was to use HTML on your blog so you all are looking at exactly what I did right now but in case you are still curious I will make another blog post where I just show the code I used for this blog and astroids I hope you like what I did.

Over all I think this was an amazing experience my favourite part had to be working on asteroids with my friend Categories: UncategorizedLeave a comment

Code for week 9

This is the code for astroids

Planetoids code

x = 375;
y = 250;

vx = 0;
vy = 0;

deltaVx = 0;
deltaVy = 0;

theta = 0;

Fthrust = 30.0;
mass = 4.5;
dt = 0.1;

function draw(){
// Update velocities
vx += deltaVx;
vy += deltaVy
// Update location
x += vx*dt;
y += vy*dt;
// velocity is unchanged if there are no forces
deltaVx = 0;
deltaVy = 0;
// Turn or thrust the ship depending on what key is pressed
if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) {
theta += 0.1;
if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) {
theta += -0.1;
x = 375;
y = 250;

vx = 0;
vy = 0;

deltaVx = 0;
deltaVy = 0;

theta = 0;

Fthrust = 30.0;
mass = 4.5;
dt = 0.1;

function draw(){
// Update velocities
vx += deltaVx;
vy += deltaVy
// Update location
x += vx*dt;
y += vy*dt;
// velocity is unchanged if there are no forces
deltaVx = 0;
deltaVy = 0;
// Turn or thrust the ship depending on what key is pressed
if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) {
theta += 0.1;
if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) {
theta += -0.1;
if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) {
// Rockets on!
accelx = Fthrust*cos(theta)/mass;
deltaVx = accelx*dt;
accely = Fthrust*sin(theta)/mass;
deltaVy = accely*dt;
if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) {
accelx = -Fthrust*cos(theta)/mass;
deltaVx = accelx*dt;
accely = -Fthrust*sin(theta)/mass;
deltaVy = accely*dt;
if (keyIsPressed && key == ‘ ‘){ //spacebar
// Do nothing!

// Draw ship and other stuff
// This will clear the screen and re-draw it

Blog code

strong>Week 9 blogging challenge</strong>

For this weeks blogging challenge we did coding. For the first task we had to read a story about a teen named Alex I really liked his story it was inspirational and was also very interesting. The second thing we had to do was to leave a comment so I did. He hasn’t responded yet but I hope he will.

For the second task I had to do an hour of code so I went to the website <a href=“”> hour of code </a> to try to find a cool task a ton of the tasks were all block coding but I wanted to try something else like java script or HTML. In the end I found a super cool one where I got to code asteroids the game. This required that I used the arrow keys on my keyboard which was fine because I had them but one of my friends named <a href=”“”Anders”> Anders </a>didn’t have a keyboard so we ended up working on this together. It was really fun so what we had to do was fix problems with the code in order to make the ship fly around and dodge the asteroids. It wasn’t to hard except for the fact that I always forgot to capitalize which is super important because if you don’t well then it doesn’t work. Some of the things we had to fix were turning, what direction you moved, and how fast you moved the hardest out of those three was definitely what direction you moved because it took the most code to fix. This hole experience took around an hour ten minutes.

The final task was to use HTML on your blog so you all are looking at exactly what I did right now but in case you are still curious I will make another <a href=””>blog post where I just show the code I used for this blog and astroids </a> I hope you like what I did.

Over all I think this was an amazing experience my favourite part had to be working on asteroids with my friend <a href=””> Anders </a> because astroids is a awesome game and it was fun to mess around with a friend while coding. One thing that I would change if I were to do this again is to maybe try something a little bit harder that astroids like maybe trying some python or c++. That was my week 9 blogging challenge hope you liked it.

Blogging challenge week 8

For week eight of the student blogging challenge I decided to review a Christmas themed game. The game was called long live Santa it is a third person pvp (player vs player) battle to the death. When I was first looking for a game to review this one caught my eye because I have always loved pvp and battle royal games so I was going to put it on the maybe list but then I realized that it was Santa’s fighting to the death and I said I have to play that game. The final reason why I was interested in it was the fact that the play style looked very cool and fast paced. 

When I first launched the game the first thing I noticed that there was no menu for setting so if you wanted to Change the controls of your character you couldn’t which kinda sucks but overall it doesn’t change the gaming experience that much. After trying to find a place to edit my settings I decided it was time to play the game so I went to try to find a game I found one with 5 out of 20 players (it was one out of only two servers in the game) when I got into the game I started to get the vibe it was very fast paced at times there was no strategy to it it was just really crazy. I played around 10 rounds each were 3-4 minutes but some times a match could end in like 10 minutes. Out of the 10 rounds I played I only won 2 of them. Some cons of this game are that it gets boring,there are only three weapons and punching does way too much damage it was to the point where I had a better chance killing someone with my fists than with a sword. Some of the pros are that it’s really fun when you first get it, it’s graphics make it look good and funny, and finally it’s plot is so funny like really funny

Overall I think since this game is free I would definitely recommend it it has some violence but not that much and it’s very like pg violence. So finally i would say is you have a pc that runs windows and you like stupid fun game you should go pick this one up I would rate it a 7 out of 10.