August 8th is national sneak zucchini onto your neighbours lawn day, and this year I’m going to go all out. If you’ve never heard of national sneak zucchini onto your neighbours lawn day ( SZOYNL for short ), you must have been living under a rock for the past several decades.
National SZOYNL day is a global holiday, that begins at sunrise of August 8th, and ends at sunrise the next morning. On august 8th every year, thousands wake up to find zucchini’s on their lawn. Festivities include, but are not limited to: sneaking zucchini’s onto neighbours lawn, and getting a zucchini snuck onto your lawn. Sometimes celebrations can get wild, and on rare occasions, authority’s have to get involved to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the zucchini sneaking. While you and your neighbours pour into the streets to celebrate the holiday, the economy booms. Zucchini stock from local grocery markets are emptied, and the masses cry for more. Importers of zucchini can’t get shipments in fast enough, which is why they prepare hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of zucchini’s, just for august 8th. It’s a mystery why the government doesn’t promote this holiday further, as it is so important for the local, national, and global economy.
Locally, the holiday is celebrated, but fewer people celebrate it every year, which is a problem for organizers, people celebrating the holiday, and the tradition. We cannot allow the holiday to lose popularity, or else we may never be able to celebrate National SZOYNL day like we used to. That is why I am calling upon everyone to preserve the namesake of National SZOYNL day.
How, you ask? It’s simple. Wake up on August 8th, and place a zucchini on you neighbours, friends, family’s, or enemy’s lawn, preferably without being seen. It is up to us to preserve the holiday that is National Sneak a Zucchini onto your Neighbours Lawn Day.
While the issue of the extinction of our beloved holiday persists, you may wonder what my plan is this year. I personally have a sinister agenda in mind, and my main target this year?: Landon Gonzalez. I have chosen Landon because he and I have been in competition for many years, and I believe the winner of national SZOYNL day will be the permanent victor.
Anyways, my plan goes like this: I wake up extra early on the day of August 8th. I will do some of the traditional events, such as sneaking zucchinis onto neighbours lawns, and celebrating the holiday. But after that, I have my own plan.
First, I will empty the zucchini stock of my local grocery store, and hen move onto bigger retailer of zucchini, such as Safeway, and Superstore. And what will I do with all these zucchinis, you ask? Simple. I will attack Landon’s house, I will place zucchini’s in every possible spot on his lawn. The result will be unimaginable.
How will you spend your national sneak a zucchini onto your neighbours lawn day?
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I have been doing this for years. Only now did I learn about this holiday. God Bless!
I am so glad to have introduced you to this wonderful celebration of produce, Sepausus! It has been a tradition in my , and many millions of other families households, and it is my greatest pleasure to hear that other people are joining in the festivities! God Bless!