Radical innovations

This is how ideas from Europe and Asia changed the world.

New ideas in the renaissance changed the renaissance world. There were new medical innovations such as hospitals and surgery. There were people getting taught to be doctors and public healthcare became a thing. These innovations led to longer lives and medicine so people could survive early diseases.There were different kinds of innovations as well, such as the mechanical clock. The clock had weights inside of it that descended as time past this would turn the clock to show what time it was. The clock let people schedule things and helped society become more organized. One more innovation that helped majorly in the renaissance was the lense. Since the lenses first creation it had evolved into may different forms, eye glasses being one of those forms. Eye glasses were used to improve vision and prevent strain on eyes from trying to see things you couldn’t. There were other forms of lenses like a telescopes which helped see things from a distance. 

What did the traditional ideas in the renaissance do? Before the clock there was a sun dial. The sun dial was a disc with a triangle on top. When the sun shined on it the shadow would lineup with the time it was supposed to be. Sun dials were inacurate and having yours on a slight angle or a different elevation then someone else’s wouldn’t let it show the same time. The sun dial was good for a little while but time telling could evolve a lot past it. Before the renaissance most forms of lenses did not exist but the ones that did were very very basic magnification tools. The innovators at the time were looking at ways to shrink the lense so that it could be used to improve eyesight. In the end they made early forms of spectacles which were too thick to be convenient and made things blurry. 

How do the ideas from the renaissance effect my world today? Without the original clocks there would be no digital clocks. Digital clocks have evolved into setting alarms for you, speaking the time outloud for you, and even charging your devices, those are all neat little things but the main purpose is still to tell time which they do quite effectively. I personally am not affected by any vision impairments or ailments but the modern day glasses help 64% of people worldwide perform tasks that people need to see for such as driving, reading or even their jobs. Without lenses we would not have the science of astronomy which could prove quite useful if we need to find a new habitable planet once we corrupt earth. Without the first 30 volumes of medical textbooks or the first public healthcare we would not have the treatments and medicines that we have now. Our new medical innovations help save millions and millions of lives, probably billions. Without our covid vaccines many elderly citizens or infants might not have made it through the past three years of hell that the population has been through. These innovations did not only change the modern world but the years to come. 

Without any of our time telling devices we would be majorly unorganized, the innovations that they made in the renaissance changed their world back then but they have also changed our worlds today. Just this morning I used my alarm clock to wake-up in time for school and I know millions if not a few billion use their alarm clock for their everyday tasks as well. Without the first lense we would not have the optical advancements we have today. If you had or have a seeing impairment then glasses help you in your every day life. Many simple tasks that must be competed daily all require vision, with prescriptions this issue is temporarily solved. If you do not want your vision to deteriorate then inevitably you will need laser eye surgery otherwise know as cataracts (they call it that if your above 60.) I’m not going to dive any deeper into glasses but the message I’m trying to get across is that most of the world uses lenses daily. They also use lenses in such things as a microscope or cell phone. In the end lenses proves to be a very commonly used renaissance innovation. The medical text books taught the first waves of doctors which eveolved into the teachers at medical education institutions. These schools teach the people that provide us with lifesaving treatments and medications. Chemotherapy to help beat cancer was derived from something from one of the original textbooks (no the textbook didn’t mention cancer or chemo in it) but the idea came from it. The original hospitals became the massive buildings you go where you break an arm or can’t breath. Back in the renaissance hospitals were much more distant from each other and instant medical attention was not an option. These innovations from the renaissance have altered the course of history and will continue to. 

The innovations of the renaissance changed its time for the good. Their inventions have been used for hundreds of years now and I don’t think that’s going to stop soon.

That is my triptych. Our project was based around figuring out what ideas that came from the renaissance had the most impact. During this project I learned a lot of history about where the things I use daily came from. As well as learning world history I also learned a few new technology skills including a app called superimposed.X

my sources were www.worldhistory.org, my brain, Wikipedia,  and the grade 8 socials textbook.

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