How does the geography around us shape who we are and how we live?

Have you ever hiked 17k with 24 other people, I have. This was our first project of the year and we went to Alberta for it. This was a bit of a change from last year considering our last project of the year was the one we went on a trip for. Our Humanities projects driving question is How has the geography of the west shaped who we are and for Maker our question is How might I use the moving image to tell a story. Even though these were two separate questions for two separate classes they ended up basically being the same. See more about the Maker post here – (link) For the Humanities aspect we were focusing on how the geography around us shaped us. We went to many locations and a big part of the big idea involved the CPR. Did you know that without the CPR we here in BC wouldn’t be a part of the country. The entire reason that B.C. Is in Canada is that the country promised B.C. in ten years they would have a coast to coast railway. They needed the funding from B.C. and our government said yes. 



The major piece of work we did was our multi-touch book. It has information about most of the locations we visited, as well as the videos we made throughout the trip. It also has my five themes of geography comic life. Our multi touch book was the thing that tied the whole project together. It included both aspects from humanities and maker with the videos being in it. I think the book was an interesting way to have all the different pieces of the project in one place.


Another part of this big project was the comic life. We made a comic life depicting the five themes of geography; Location, Place, Region, Movement, and Human/Environment interaction. In the comic we had to have a photo we took or drew and it had to represent one of the five themes, we had to make one for each of the five themes. We then had to write something to connect the dots about how that photo represented that theme. Comic life was a cool app I got to learn to use and I hope we get to use it again. 

This project was long and hard (ish) and after all that all though I will miss the fun I had in Alberta I’m happy to say with this blog post finished the project is done. 

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