Rise of the Frankenstuffies

Rise of the Frankenstuffies. Rise of the frankenstuffies was our most recent project and it was probably my favourite this year. It required/taught many skills some of witch were actual physical skills instead of digital skills like normal (excluding exhibitions.) There are a few different pieces of the project we did to build up to the video such as a storyboard, written story, we also read the book Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. The first thing we did during the project was we sewed our frankenstuffies. We cut up a bunch of stuffed animals and sewed them together to make a combination of animals that would act as the main characters in our stories. If I was going to change anything about my stuffy, maybe I would make it bigger. In my story he is 6’5 creature and it doesn’t really show that well in my video. We learned a lot about the structure of the story and how to formulate a great story. I know that before high school is over I will definitely need to write more story’s and I feel that my story’s will be better in the future. We had to storyboard our written story to turn it into a video. A story board is an essential part of  the video making process and without it You would have no idea how to transfer a bunch of words to a video, here’s mine as an example:

A lot of things that were harder to show on video didn’t make the cut so if I did it again I might try to improve the amount detail in the video. We also learned about something called a Log line which is a summary of your story that is supposed to cover the main idea. Like mine for example:

“Edward is a man-made creature from Russia who goes on an adventure to Mexico, somewhere he has never been. After an excruciating journey to his hotel, Edward’s fun vacation twists when he finds some of his personal belongings have gone missing”…

Overall it was a super fun project and I took away some valuable skills for the furture. If you would like to watch the video if been talking about this whole time than click the link below.

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