mPOL 2024

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

The M in mPOL stands for mid-year and I know its a little late for that but better late than never. Now that were halfway through the school year a lot of projects have been done and now its time to reflect! 

We started off the school year strong with a trip to Alberta which was not only fun because it was a trip but we learned about the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway) witch has to do with history and that’s something I’ve always been intrigued by. The big project for the unit named “Rocky Mountain High” was a multi-touch book which included elements from the various locations we visited. Looking back at the book and re-reading what I wrote it was dry, not that it didn’t have the information required but it wasn’t very personal and if i were to redo the project I would make it sound more like me and less like chat GPT (it wasn’t chat GTP.) 

One of the projects that I am especially proud of is the rise of the frankenstuffies project. The video we made at the end was not only one of my favourite things to learn this year but its also some of my most proud work. During this project we learned a bunch of different skills on the apps we regularly use but I also tried some apps I never had before, in the upcoming projects I can use these skills to make my work better. 

One skill I think I got better at this year was handing my work in on time, last year I would complete the work but forget to turn it in and I would have to set reminders to turn my work in but this year even though I’m not perfect (nobody is) I’ve handed a lot of my work in on time without reminders! On the flip side something I could work on is talking in class less, its been something I’ve been told for years and very slowly I seem to be improving but I need stay on task more often. 

One thing that I’ve noticed as a bit of a pattern in my work is that any projects that involves a decent amount of writing becomes a bit dry. It’s not that I run out of things to say it just seems that the longer I write the less interesting the righting becomes. One of my goals for the rest of the school year is to make my writing less boring. 

One of the more recent projects we did was titled “lets get Reil! The project was about the historic Canadian figure Louie Reil and how he has been portrayed over time. The main focus’s of the project was grammar and improving our writing which is a skill that I’m going to take and use on pretty much every project ever. I know I’ve mentioned it quite a bit but my writing is lacking in certain ways so every little bit helps. The final project for this project was a multi-paragraph composition, it was like a mini essay and if you compare it to some of my writing from the beginning of the year you can see the difference. (Example below)

Multi paragraph composition-

Rocky Mountain high reflective blog post-

How does the geography around us shape who we are and how we live?


This past year we have done a lot of projects and I have to admit that not all of it met my standards. This time I’m not just talking about the writing, the thriller we made although it was funny I didn’t think of it as some of my best work. Although I liked writing the script and filming the short, I just didn’t feel that it was some of my best work. Just in case you want to see it, its linked below. 



The school year is going to be over soon but with what’s left I’m going to strive for better work and use all the helpful things I learned this year. 

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