T-POL 2024

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner. 

Success behaviours. To be a successful learner you must demonstrate the behaviours required to learn, I would like to touch on a few of the behaviours think I believe I have improved on and that demonstrate my learning. 

Agency: ownership and responsibility. One of the things that has been listed on my report card ever since I can remember is always something along the lines of Max needs to stay on task or Max needs to talk less in class. While I agree that I can get off task and talk sometimes, I think I have been improving on taking responsibility for my learning. I still need reminders sometimes to stay on task but for the most part I’m improving. 

Self regulation: Balance. Balancing your school work with a social life and sports is in my opinion one of the keys to academic success. I can’t speak for anyone else but if I had only school work and no sports and no social life I would go crazy. This is one thing that I haven’t improved in but I definitely should. Sometimes I can spend a little to much of my time on the social life part of the equation and that leads to sometimes doing projects last minuet but for the most part I think I have a pretty balanced life. 

Engagement: Contributions. I’d like to believe that I participate often, sometimes I may need a shove. One thing I would like to improve on is not needing prompts to write good work. It’s not that I don’t try but if its free reign with no prompts or examples I can’t choose because there are to many options and I dont know witch is the closest to correct. That’s something I would like to focus on in grade 10. 

Since September of late year we have done a lot of projects, some I was more fond of than others. All the projects had one thing in common, work. Now I know that’s obvious but that’s not really what I mean. All the projects across all the classes have work submitted by me or a group member that can be reflected on to better my work for the upcoming school year. 

The first project I want to look back on is Rocky Mountain High, that’s the project we traveled to Alberta doing. The main goal of Rocky Mountain High was to learn about Canadian history through the CPR (Canadian pacific railway.) To wrap up the project/trip we made a book that had elements from each location we stoped at. Reading back over this book it was just so bland. Imagine if an unsalted cracker had a personality, that’s who wrote it. The book gave me an understanding of what was written it just made me almost fall asleep from boredom. I think I can learn and improve from this by trying to make a personal connection to the learning so that it seems like a human with emotions wrote it. Below is an example of writing from the book.

I’d also like to demonstrate a project I am proud of to show that not everything I’ve made this year needs to be 100% changed. For the spring exhibition that happened just last Thursday we made a WW1 comic book as the finale to a project titled WWI Con – The Great War Graphically Told. I have always had an interest in the world wars and during this project I have learned more about the negative and positive impacts of the war. Although the comic book took so much time it wasn’t as tedious as I thought it would be, since I was passionate about the topic I had lost of fun storyboarding, writing, and illustrating the comic. I also think that a historical fiction comic would be the perfect way to educate someone who may not be able to handle paragraphs upon paragraphs of information. I think this project displays my growth as a learner quite well, during my m-POL I talked about getting my work in on time, good quality, and work that meets the criteria and for this project I ticked all the box’s. below is the comic itself. 

WW1 Comic

One of the things I would definitely change is my final submission for the CHEMhistory project we did in science class. The project was about the history of the elements on the periodic table. My element was lead and for the final piece of work we were supposed to make a drawing of something that symbolizes our elements. My element being lead the first thing I thought of was a pencil and so that’s what I drew. I could’ve drawn a battle scene using lead bullets or lead pipes witches caused many deaths due to lead tainted water. If you were to think of the bare minimum and then go 15x barer that’s what my work would’ve been. I think I could’ve made this project better in so many ways and going into science next year even though its not a PLP course I’m going to remember this anytime my work isn’t up to par. Below is the drawing 


I think near the start of grade nine I had not a horrible work ethic but it wasn’t great either. I got most of my work done on time but I would still prioritize social activities before school work. Now in the present at the end of the year one thing that has been on my mind is that grade 10 is when your grades start to count, not that you shouldn’t try up until then but its when they get taken more seriously. Realizing that has made me start prioritizing my work a little more and making sure im prepared for the year to come. 

My learning portfolio. As I look back at some of my blog posts from the start of the year they are a big improvement from grade 8 but still lack in certain areas. I feel that they have a lot more emotion than the ones from before but they could either be longer or get more into detail and be less of a stream of consciousness. Some newer posts like my m-POL and my rise of the frankenstuffies project post are full of detail about the project and also where it applies what I can learn and take away from the project besides the project material. (E.g. I learned from the WW1 comic project graphic deign skills not just about WW1.) Below are the posts from the beginning of the year and some recent ones to compare.

Recent post-

Rise of the Frankenstuffies

Old post-

The moving image.

Destination Imagination. DI Is a hands-on program where students lead projects and learn to solve problems creatively. Students work in teams to come up with unique solutions to seven different challenges, getting ready for a fun problem-solving competition. DI this year took place at Seycove and I competed in the technical challenge with a group of peers. Our challenge was to make a pinball machine. There was two competitions that took place although I had unfortunately scheduled events so I was unable to attend to preform with my group. Even though I couldn’t make it to the preforming I learned a lot from the building of our machine. As a group we had to overcome challenges together and settle disagreements within our group and those will be skills I use for ever in the future.   

I think grade 9 has left me with lots to reflect on and to learn from and I think im going to be quite prepared for grade 10 because of this, and so ill leave you with a quote from Phineas and Ferb “The only thing that is impossible is impossibility” – Phineas. 

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