TPOL 2023

TPOL 2023. 

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

My TPOL will reflect my entire year of learning since September. I think I have come a long way since September. My work has improved so much as well as my ability to learn. I’m a much better student than I was at the start.

At the start ill admit that my work was less than accomplished but as the year went on the standards got higher but my work got better. As a comparison one of my first project the outsiders and my latest the ad for HMSC are right below. 

There are a few things in PLP that frustrate me. For example when we have substitutes that don’t know anything about what we are doing. Something else that frustrates me is when we are not informed about an assignment for an example is when we get assigned something and then not told what it is before its due. For the most part I like the way PLP is formulated but I had a bit of a difficult adjusting at first. 

If I were to change something about the work I have done in grade 8 it would be the drawing portion. Whenever drawing is an element in a project I try to do good but the fact is I’m not super skilled at drawing and thats something I would like to get better at. If I had to change something I would redo all the drawings I’ve done that are linked to a project. Again its not that I didn’t try but the drawings could use some improvement. 

What does my work reveal about me as a learner? In all my work I tend to get right to the point and form more basic sentences which you could also see in my notes. My notes are just whatever was stated or whatever I read with barley any context. Its not the best way of retaining knowledge but i find the simplicity really helps me learn. If someone else were to read my notes I don’t think they could make total sense of them. I think this system works for me but I can’t see it working for someone else unless of course the are the ones righting it. 

One of the projects I’m least proud of is geek out page (below) it met the standers at the time but looking back I realize how truly bad it is. There is just so many spots I could’ve done even the smallest bit better. Also I would just like to point out how bad my old blog theme was. It was way to hard to find anything and although it had pages the pages were hidden in the bottom left corner, over all just not a good theme to pick. The geek out page is about something we are fond of or do a lot. I chose physical activity which id like to say a know a fair amount about but I wrote virtually nothing on. With 100% guarantee I know I could’ve done it so much better. 

The blog… The blog is something I have been working in since the start of school. For every project we do we have to write a blog post reflection. So far I have 11 posts. Each of these posts was better than the one before. I think thats a great example of growth in my learning. As well as the content of each post the grammar and dialect in each post has improved significantly. At the beginning I was forming very basic sentences with bland words. It sounded like a robot had written it. I know some of my posts as the year were a bit choppy but for the most part my blogs have evolved to a higher quality. Another thing about the continuation of the blog post throughout the year is length. The length of each post got longer and more information enriched. You can really see the progress of my learning in the blog. I think I’ve come a far way since the start of the year and I think the best way that has been documented is the blog. 

Why do I think I’m ready for the next grade level? I think I have matured not only as a learner but also a person.  I am continuing in PLP for grade nine so it wont be as much as a massive change as it would be if I were switching to main stream. Throughout the year my work has gotten better to a point where I would say I’m ready for grade nine. As well as being completely able to meet the expectations my work might even exceed expectations ever so often. Now for a second I want to stay away from the facts and go more to am I mentally ready to move on? The answer is obviously! I know I’m not always the most mature person but I can pull my self together when it counts. I know I’m ready for grade nine because of how I’ve evolved throughout the year and completed my grade eight learning journey. 

Well, like my grade eight year this post is wrapping up and its some mixed emotions. I have made many new friends this year and with those friends, memory’s. I am happy to say this year has been great and I cant wait to make more memory’s after the break. 

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