The medium is the message (Oregon 2023)

link to Oregon 2023 book-

Reflection the medium is the message.  

This project was the first I’ve ever done like it (not only because we went to Oregon.) The learning was a bit different because in my humanities block we were missing half the class. The trip was very fun but I also did some learning. I liked going to the Columbia River Maritime Museum and learning about the bar. It was actually one of the things I found most interesting on the trip. I’m not going to get to in depth but its where the Columbia river meets the Pacific Ocean and the pressure from both sides collide creating massive waves. I thought the project was very interesting learning about the different types of media and even how influence can be so strong from social media that it’s basically mind control (I don’t mean that in the crazy person way.) It was super interesting to talk to the people at Hatfield Marine Science Center but even better we got real world experience to interview someone. I think my project could’ve been better and I wish I pushed myself more but I think this project was a really good learning experience. 


Mind over matter.

For this project we focused on matter. We learned about atoms and forms of matter. Our first keystone we learned about qualitative and quantitative observations and mass. For the keystone one project we picked a random object in the class and had to find its mass, density, and volume. As well as those three things we had to write three qualitative properties of it. That was fun because we never actually said what the object was and Ms. Kadi had to guess. For the second keystone we learned about the changes of states of matter. The assignment for keystone two was gummy bear diffusion, we had to come up with a question involving leaving gummy bears overnight in a liquid and the gummy bears absorbing that liquid. Our question was does the amount of water affect the size the gummy bears grow to? Short answer is it does not. The final project was making a video game based on what we learned this unit. In my game you are a glass of water and you want to stay as a glass of water by avoiding the snow witch would turn you into a solid and game over and by avoiding the fire witch would turn you into a gas and game over. This was a fun project and so far I’m enjoying science 8

link to the game ->

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