mPOL 2025
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
Yet again were doing this a little past halfway through the year but lets reflect on this 5/8 of the year!
The first project of the year (as you can imagine) was not my best work of grade 10. Entitled “the world needs more Canada” we had to create a multi paragraph composition which is essentially an essay with a different name. Although not being bad work by any means the first project after summer break ends is always going to be slightly sub-par (for me at least.) Sometimes you just need to ease into the school year, ya know? If I were to re-do it I would probably just try to make it sound more professional. I find that a lot of my writing has a conversational aspect to it and sometimes its just not the place for it and I need to really keep that in mind when I’m writing something important and professional. Below is a link to the multi paragraph composition but we haven’t really done any essays since so I don’t have much to compare it to.
Why the world needs more Canada essay
My favourite project of the year this far is “swipe right for tragedy” which is the Romeo and Juliet modern parody project we just recently completed and It also is a good demonstration of my attempted academic comeback. There wasn’t too much actual learning “evidence” from this project because a big portion was reading the play and the other part was writing the parody but regardless I can still reflect on it. I have really tried to lock-in so to speak when it comes to my school work and the old me would’ve probably just looked up a summary of the play but I actually did the reading and I almost enjoyed it too! The creation of the parody was the most fun I have had at school in a while and I really liked doing it. The worst part of this project is the fact that I wasn’t there for the actual presentation of the play because I was very sick. Other than the part that I missed the day that the whole project was working towards it was awesome!
I think that in the past my work has always been just kinda there in the way that it just wasn’t very interesting and tedious to read or watch. This year I have really tried to care about my work even if I’m not interested in or passionate about the topic and I think it’s showing a little bit. As I look back at things like my podcast about why the world needs more Canada or my business card I notice that Im getting better with every project instead of kinda just saying in place like I was in grade 9. This is of course not to say that I don’t have good and bad moments and that every single piece of work is better than the last but just the overall all quality seems to be increasing. As an example of that I would like to compare my WW2 essay to the Louie Reil essay I did at the end of grade 9.
Louis riel multi-paragraph composition
Mentor for a day was the careers project I just did before the one I am currently on and I am proud of the work I did for it. The point of the project was to shadow and interview someone who has a job you are interested in and I chose firefighting because that is something I can definitely see myself doing. Although I couldn’t shadow a firefighter for a full day I still got a tour of the fire station and an interview which was just as great. I think my work was pretty solid across the board for this project, we did a smart brevity note that I am pretty content with and the audio reflection I made is definitely the best audio I have created for a project thus far. It’s a lot easier for me (for everyone I’m sure) to put out better work if I’m actually interested in or intrigued by a topic for a project and since I literally got to choose what career to write about my work came out pretty good. I think the smart brevity was professional and clear and the audio reflection didn’t actually hurt my ears to listen back to. Linked below are both the smart brevity not and the audio reflection
How can I continue to grow in my collaboration with others? I personally don’t mind working with others, in fact I even prefer it sometimes. I feel for the most part I’m a pretty easy person to work with and I try to listen to others’ ideas even if I don’t necessarily agree with them but we can all improve, nobody’s perfect. Going forward I would like to maybe give my trust that my team members will do there part a bit more because sometimes I can get annoying by constantly bringing it up until they do it.
Well this year (so far) has definitely been a learning journey and I (almost) can’t wait for to see what the rest of the year has in store academically for me!