Emojis! Post

Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog. Today i will be writing a story using emojis!

Ive never done something like this before, so this will be intresting!

To write my story, I will be using Byrdseed.com, which is a random emoji generator.

These are the emojis I got: 🍕😢🐈🍱😘


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jane. Jane had many different interests, however the thing she cherished the most was eating pizza. She enjoyed all types, pepperoni, veggie, anything! One day, as she was eating at her favorite pizza parlour, all of her pizza fell on the ground! She was absolutely devastated! All of a sudden, a stray cat appeared. The cat came over to Jane and started licking her hand. Jane then picked the cat up at started petting it. “Ill call you Smokey” said Jane.  Jane then proceeded to bring Smokey home and clean him up. That night Jane ordered Sushi for dinner. When she started eating, Smokey started meowing and seemed like he wanted some. Smokey ended up eating almost more sushi than Jane he loved it that much!


Smokey and Jane ended up having a great relationship together, and both shared their obsessions of pizza and Sushi!



Music Post

Hello Everyone, today for the Student blogging challenge I will be writing about Music. I will be going over how music affected my life, my favorite instrument, and what music I’m interested in.


I first got introduced to music by my Dad, cause over the years he has been in many bands and he has shown me the music he listened to as a kid. I played Piano for a few years when I was young, then all of a sudden in grade 3 I played the main part in “Peanuts” as Charlie Brown for my Teacher’s showcase. Doing that really boosted my confidence, and led me to pursue singing lessons. The next year for the North Shore Music Festival, I sang Where is Love? From the musical Oliver! I ended up winning the trophy as the most promising vocalist. This helped me lots because it was the first time I got critique and given advice as what to improve. I have recently joined many choirs in the school and have got to know people. I would definitely say that my favorite instrument is the voice.


I am personally interested in a wide variety of music and artists. I’m usually interested in specific songs by artist and not by the artist as a whole. However, my favorite genres are R&B pop, and alternative music. I also like some of the songs my Dad plays around the house.

To summarize, music really boosted my confidence in life, it also surrounded me to other opportunities. I thank my Dad because he was he one who showed me all of this cool music, and he has always been the one pushing me to try new things. I really enjoy singing and music as a whole and I hope I get the chance to do performances soon!





Fun with Photos

Hi everyone!


Today for the Blogging Challenge I will be highlighting an image that relates to my worldview. In further words, I will be talking about what I value in life.

Worldview (noun): a collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or group; the lens through which the world is viewed by an individual or group; the overall perspective from which the world is interpreted


The Image I chose is an image of my house. We moved here in May 2017, and we have since added many new things to our place. It relates to my worldview because something that I value is being outside getting fresh air. Also, it relates to my adventurous part of myself. I took this photo right before summer in June 2020.

That’s all for today!

Make sure to check out my other posts!



Football/favorite football Moments

Hi everyone, today I will be posting for the first time about something non-school related. My topic today will be football, and why I’m interested in it. I first got interested in football in 2017, while watching my now favourite team the Seattle Seahawks. My favourite player is easily Russell WilsonThey are my favourite team because they are the closest team to where I live, and second, they are very fun to watch.



The main things that define football are the crucial moments that usaually happen in the playoffs. I will be listing my personal top three below:

1. Seahawks dominate in Super bowl 48 vs Broncos, win their 1st super bowl.

Here’s a link to the highlights: Super Bowl 48

I chose this because this event is so important, I mean it was our first Super Bowl! Not many thought they would win, yet they won 43 to 8!


2. Seahawks crazy comeback in NFC championship vs Packers.

This event is so important because of how big of a win it was. I mean we came back down from a game where our QB threw 4 interceptions! Also we beat the Packers MVP QB in a game where they had the momentum 95% of the time.


Yet this is what happened in the Super Bowl the same year against the Patriots……

We had the ball at the one yard line down 4 with 3o seconds left. Instead of doing the obvious; running the ball, we called for a surprise pass play. Which, (on a good play) Patriots Cornerback Malcom Butler, intercepted. This moment will forever live in the memories of every NFL fan, everyone will forever wonder what would’ve happened If they had simply ran the ball?


Note Feb 9, 2021


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