How it started, How its going Post

Hi everyone, today I will be writing about the project that I have recently been working on in PLP 8.

This project was called “How it started, How its going”. It was inspired from the popular meme from late 2020. 

Here’s an example:

  This project was all about worldview and Historically significant events ranging from the Medieval times to the Renaissance. Also, it was about connecting those events to the modern day western worldview.

The driving question in this project was “What can we learn from the past, and why does that matter to us today?”. My answer to that question is: that we can learn about things that shouldn’t happen again, as well as things that forever changed the way we think today.

To represent my learning, I will be highlighting the milestones/stepping stones, that helped me answer the driving question best.


The first thing I will be highlighting is Cornell Notes. Cornell notes are a way to take notes that help you to cue your understanding of the learning and summarize that understanding into your own words. Here’s a link to explain more about Cornell Notes: Cornell Notes Video. These notes helped me with other assignments in this project, such as Milestone 3 where we wrote a test answering the main question: What Historically Significant Events Helped Develop Our Worldview? This note taking technique will also help me in the future for note taking in different classes. 


The second thing i will be highlighting is Milestone 2. The competencies in this milestone were: Responding to Text and Empowered Learner. I transformed ideas to create text by taking events from my life and organizing them into different categories. I used technology to appropriately and effectively construct my knowledge by creating my collage in Keynote.

In Milestone 2, we discovered more on Worldview, how worldview is identified, and how to represent your worldview. In further words, we created a collage representing our worldview, along with a supporting statement that explained our text. To get an idea of how to represent our worldview, we explored the story mountain. A story mountain goes like this: Exposition or Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Conclusion. This helped in teaching me how to better represent my worldview, (Which we would explore in other milestones).


The third thing I will be highlighting is Milestone 5 and the things that surrounded it. The competencies in this milestone were Responding to text, Establishing Historical Significance, and Empowered learner. I constructed a meaningful and personal connection between myself and the text by using a personal connection in my example. I assessed the significance of things by connecting them to the events of today. I used technology to construct my knowledge by using SuperimposeX to create my art.


Milestone 5 included our Art piece, in this art piece we first had to use a piece of art from the medieval or renaissance times, that represented historically significant people, places, events or developments from connecting to your aspect of worldview as ‘how it started’. Then for the “How its going” side, we recreated the piece we chose with modern day objects that connected to our worldview. 

Then to explain our art, we wrote an artist statement. In the exhibit, if you pressed our art piece you would hear our artists statement. To go see my Art piece, as well as my peers, visit this link:

PLP 8 Art Exhibit

Also to visit the Companion Exhibition Guide:

This milestone also included group work for the purpose of exhibit execution. There were 8 groups, each representing each aspect of worldview. 

There were also specific roles for the groups:

Writer, responsible for writing our guided tour for the exhibit

Art designer, responsible for adding the frames to art, etc.

DRI, made sure that everything was going smoothly

Room designer, responsible for adding artifacts to room 

Techie, responsible for technical parts of the project

Flex members, responsible for helping group members that needed help

I really benefitted from this group work because it is something that we will experience in our lives.

In summation, it was cool to do project that originated from a funny meme trend. Also, I liked how we learned about history and different historically significant events. An important skill that I obtained from this project was learning how to use the app SuperimposeX, for our how it started, how it’s going meme. In all, I really enjoyed this project and how we learnt many different aspects of learning.

Thanks for Reading!