Hello teachers and parents, and welcome to my TPOL, transitional presentation of learning. In this presentation I’m going to mention my growth and learning this year and how that’ll transition to grade 11. This year has been one heck of a ride, and I’m excited to talk about it with you!
The driving question for TPOL is: “Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?”
I think I’m ready because of the adversity and growth I’ve gone through this year. From the highs of our time at Disney, to the lows of our power of imagination videos first drafts. This year I’ve focused a lot more on my growth than in past years and it’s really showed. From my main role in Romeo and Juliet, to my hype tik tok’s with Zach in front of the castle: (export_1678289528883
“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
Now to start it off, I’m going to talk about my growth in Humanities.
In humanities this year we’ve explored some new topics, such as the gold rush, Shakespeare, and the Indian Act. And with each topic that we learned, we found a cool way to demonstrate our learnings. We wrote stories, crafted short films, and created collages.
The first skill I improved this year was my writing abilities. In the gold rush project we were tasked with creating a fictional story about the gold rush in BC. At first I was hesitant about my abilities and had little to no confidence in myself. I made many drafts and got critique from Ms. Valedictorian, a.k.a my sister Kaia. Before writing was something I dreaded, but now it’s something I genuinely enjoy. The second aspect of my learning that I improved in Humanities was collaboration. I showed this in my Romeo and Juliet project. This project was interesting to say the least, it had everything, from reading and writing to acting. There were some awkward moments in there for sure, (I acted as Romeo..) pretty self explanatory there. Nevertheless, we created a quality film that we were all proud of!
My favorite project in humanities this year had to be Power of Imagination. This was our Disneyworld project where we were tasked with creating a video that showed the psychological benefits of Disney parks. This was our first ever out of loon lake learning advance, and it was one for the ages. From our hotel room, to the early mornings at the park, this was an experience I’ll never forget. To complete our video we had to carefully plan out our shots to make sure we got everything. We conducted interviews with strangers to get their take on our topic. This was a chance for us to work on our interview abilities and being able to talk to people we don’t know well.

Now I’m going to talk about my growth in PGP.
This year was our first time having PGP, it’s our careers credit for PLP. In this course, we learned how to improve our habits, market ourselves, and how to become financially literate.
This year us students had to juggle our 3 PLP classes during term 2, so it was important to have a consistent schedule in order to stay on track. As part of our PGP class we read a book called “Atomic habits”, it’s all about creating effective systems using the good old 7 habits. To make sure we kept on track with our reading we created a reading schedule, my plan was to read 15 minutes a day. I learned lots in this project and skills that I can apply anywhere in my life.
Recently, we’ve been working on finance and marketing in PGP. We did this “stock simulator” where the person with the most revenue gets a gift card. I didn’t do all that well, but in the process I learned lots about the market and when to buy or sell. Along with this simulator, we worked on marketing ourselves for potential employers. We did resumes, buiseness cards, and cover letters, all key concepts for jobs. I found this to be really fun, as it’s stuff I can use for the future and in my career beyond high school.

Now I’m gonna talk about Maker 10.
For maker this year, we made Tik Toks at Disney, and made podcasts. I would say it was my favorite class of the school year, as we had free choice for all of our projects, and I had lots of fun!
One challenging part of our project: “ making effective personal design choices”, was shooting the videos and preparing good first drafts. As I mentioned earlier, we created these videos during our time at Disney World, and we had to carefully plan out and schedule where and when we would shoot. Some of our videos were dances, and some were vlogs. Before we left for Florida, we created rough drafts for each of these videos. This gave us a good idea of what to expect and how to be ready….. Of course things weren’t perfect in our videos, in my “room tour” video we forgot to get rid of a garbage bag that was in one of our shots. Nevertheless, we made the most of it and edited it until we were satisfied.
Another key project we did was: “Using design to influence others for good”. We created podcasts on topics of our choice, I did mine on vinyl records. We presented these at our recent spring exhibition, along with our business cards from PGP. The whole point of this project was to talk about something that we’re passionate about, not a topic that’s assigned to us. Similar to our Disney project, creating our podcasts took lots of planning and scheduling, for interviews, and for release dates. In the process of crafting and refining my podcast, I learned lots and my passion for vinyl records grew. The exhibition was a huge success, lots of people were interested and gave it a listen!

Learning plan:
Here’s my learning plan goals from the start of the year:
As you can see I set a pretty high bar at the start of the year. One thing that I hadn’t really done in past years was push myself really hard, I was usually fine with accomplished grades. But this year I chose to change that, and I applied myself more, and was open to further feedback from teachers and peers. Recently in humanities, we did some writing pieces for our “Lies and Incongruences” project. For each piece I could never get it quite right and often found myself revising each and every assignment, which felt dreadful. I took the feedback positively and I made my paragraphs even better!

In summation, this year has been a blast and I feel as though it’s been my best as a PLP learner. From our first out of country field study to returning to Loon Lake, this year had it all. PLP has become a trait of who I am, and a community that I’m proud to be apart of. I feel as if I’ve grown lots, and have been able to review and refine some of my skills and abilities.
Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoyed my TPOL!