Hello teachers and parents, and welcome to my last ever MPOL! It’s been a long journey for me in PLP, and it’s crazy that this is my last time doing this!
This year has come with some fun projects, a trip to loon lake, yes another one, and new challenges.
“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
The driving question for this Mpol is “How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?” In this presentation, I’ll have this question at the forefront and at the end, I’ll circle back to it.
Now to talk about my Vision, Mission, Values. Or VMV for short. This is a new addition to the PLP cycle, which focuses on specific goals that are realistic and can be achieved by the end of the year. R.I.P Learning Plan, you won’t be missed. I prefer the VMV as it focuses on just three main goals whereas the learning plan was more general.
My Learning Vision Mission Values
My three main areas of focus at the start of the year were Self Regualtion, Engagement, and Agency. These are skills that have been a bit spotty for me throughout my time in PLP and at high school. I always find myself focusing on a million things at a time, so sometimes I find it hard to meet deadlines or comeplete an assignment for a project.
One concept I want to continue to build on this year is my ability to make notes. I find that when I dedicate time to this process, it makes my life a whole lot easier when it comes to formulating my final product for any given project. This skill will especially be import for our upcoming field school to the Mississippi delta and Tennessee. If you know anything about PLP field schools, they are fast paced and you never stop. I experienced this first hand at Disney when I was “starving,” I had to complain about my insane hunger until the teachers finally let me grab some ravioli. Sorry about that by the way. On a more serious note, this trip will be fast pace and we’ll come by a million different places and people. I’m super pumped for this trip, especially the ribs that Mr. Hughes has been raving about. Also the 20 pound apple pie!
Here’s an example of a good start for my bank of notes for our upcoming project, “Past Forward.” This project is centred around the civil rights movement, and the effects it made. For this project, we are creating a short video about an individual who made a difference in this movement.
Now let’s talk about what I can do better moving forward this year.
Focusing on my agency, I have to be more open to experiences and expand my interests. Often times in school I prioritize things based on what I enjoy most, but in the real world you need to prioritize whichever task is the most pressing at the moment. A prime example of this was in the project; “Oh the horrors.” I found it hard to work with my group members in a way that was effective and beneficial for the completion of the project. Originally my role was scriptwriter which I did. But once the script was done and we were on site shooting, I felt left out and helpless in the effort. Next time I encounter I situation like this I need to be more flexible and try new things, even if I’m not as comfortable. These are the type of situations are learning curves which will prepare me for bigger things in my life and career.
To summarize, this year has been one of growth, challenges, and new experiences. From refining my self-regulation and engagement skills to recognizing the importance of agency, I’ve gained valuable insights into my learning habits and areas for improvement. While I’ve made progress in focusing on my tasks and taking better notes, I know there’s still room to grow, especially in being more adaptable and open to new roles and experiences.
As I move forward, I’ll continue working on these skills, keeping my VMV in mind, and making the most of opportunities like our upcoming field school. This MPOL has allowed me to reflect on how I’ve demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year, and I look forward to applying these lessons in the months ahead.
Thanks for listening!